The Possibilities Are Endless With Mood Lighting

Mood lightingis more than lighting that affects moods. The lighting helps create calm and warm settings. The possibilities are endless with mood lighting.

You can use mood lighting by pairingtypes of lights。Learn more about mood lighting with our complete guide.

What Is Mood Lighting?

What Is Mood Lighting? 在画廊中查看





Lighting has a history that reaches back to 125,000 BC. It began when humans lit fires to control light. This was the source of light for over 50,000 years. In 75,000 BC, lighting became rocks that had animal fat on them.


It wasn’t until 1780 that Aimé Argand invents a new type of oil lamp. The progression of lighting progresses from there and we see new ways to control lighting at least every ten years.


温暖的白色与凉爽的白色情绪照明 在画廊中查看

暖白色和凉爽are color temperatures. Color temperatures range from ultra-warm to daylight. The color is measured inKelvin (K)。较低的数字表示温度较高。

Light bulbs measured in degrees of Kelvin are lower than 2,700K. Around 2,000K is the lowest color temperature.

Here are the three color temperature ranges available over the counter:

  • Warm Light– less than 3,000K – warm light is the color of light that incandescent bulbs produce. It is soft and calm. Warm light is good to set the mood for bedrooms, living rooms, and dining rooms.
  • Cool Light– 3,000K to 4,500K – cool light is joyful and bright. Cool lights coincide with cool colors like blue and green. It works out well for kitchens and rooms you want to brighten, like basements.
  • 日光– over 4,500K – daylight bulbs offer natural light. They are the brightest lights. Use daylight bulbs in rooms where you need a lot of light. Craft rooms, workshops, and display rooms.

How To Choose Color Temperature

How To Choose Color Temperature 在画廊中查看


There are no rules for color temperatures, but guidelines exist. Choose warm color temperatures in rooms where you want to relax and focus on people. Choose cool color temperatures in rooms where the focus is task-based.

How Does Each Color Affect Your Mood?

How Does Each Color Affect Your Mood? 在画廊中查看

颜色会影响情绪。这与情绪照明中的颜色温度无关。这是关于每种颜色如何影响您心情的精神上。There is a reason you choose a color.


  • 红色的- 增加食欲 - 红色是激情的颜色。它是最温暖的颜色,具有两种近乎宽松的品质。红色与爱与愤怒有关。小心红色,因为太多的房间不好。
  • Orange- 增加能量 - 橙色是创造力的颜色。作为两种颜色的混合物,橙色有一些含义。它从黄色的红色和燃料中吸收能量。当您想帮助人们发挥创造力时,橙色是好的。
  • Yellow– lifts spirits – yellow is the color of joy. The sun is grouped with the color yellow. It means happiness and fun. Use yellow when you want a joyful room.
  • Green- 平静和地面 - 绿色是生命的颜色。这是自然和康复的颜色。当您想将生命呼吸到房间并帮助人们与自然联系时,请使用绿色。
  • 蓝色的– relaxes and takes one away – blue is the color of peace. Each shade of blue has a special meaning but they all relate to peace and relaxation. Use blue if you want a room to feel like an escape.
  • 靛青- 打开第三只眼睛 - 靛蓝是智慧的颜色。靛蓝和蓝色是彩虹颜色,尽管靛蓝与蓝色分组。使用靛蓝将智慧和诚意带到房间。
  • 紫色- 鼓励自豪 - 紫罗兰色是皇室的颜色。骄傲的所有最佳部分都与红色和蓝色配对一起紫罗兰色。如果您希望人们感到皇室,尊严和忠诚,请使用紫罗兰色。

Three Types Of Mood Lighting


The three lightings work as three layers. Use them all to have the most control over the lighting of a room.



周围的lighting provided light in a uniform manner. This is all you need to light up an entire room. It comes in many forms but is found in ceiling and wall fixtures most often.


Task lighting is practical lighting that lights up a specific area. This includes lighting over workbenches or tables. It provides a safe place to do tasks, hence the name.

Task lighting can be warm or cool, but brighter lights provide a safer workspace. Other places you will find task lighting are over desks, under upper cabinets, and nightstands.


口音lighting is the ultimate mood lighting. This type of lighting draws attention to specific areas. It doesn’t provide practical light nor does it light up the entire room.

Instead, accent lighting allows you to control where people look when they enter the room. Accent lighting should be the last lighting that you plan as it is the top layer of lighting.


情绪照明技巧 在画廊中查看

Before you choose mood lighting, you need to know a few things. These tips on how to use mood lighting will help you make the most of your lights. Take a look at each tip and set the mood in your room.

笔记:if you have a method not listed below, feel free to let us know in the comments. We love hearing about new techniques, tips, and tricks to help improve our indoor space. Everyone has unique ideas to offer.

Overhead Lighting Vs Angled Lighting

Overhead Lighting Vs Angled Lighting 在画廊中查看


皱纹和开销照明就能发音cast shadows on your face. It also allows shadows to be cast in the corners of the room and ceilings. Pair overhead lighting with wall lights to take care of these issues.

Dispersed Lighting

Dispersed Lighting 在画廊中查看

If you create light in a room, you can control it. Instead of installing one large light, use multiple small lights. This gives you control over the light rays.



背光心情照明 在画廊中查看

Backlights are attached behind objects.背光镜are the most common backlights. With glass objects, their impact is greater.

Backlit glass is more effective as the light reflects off of the glass. Mirrors make a room look bigger. When light reflects off the glass, the room will look bigger and brighter.


可调的情绪照明  在画廊中查看

You可以购买可调mood lights. Some mood lights allow you to adjust the brightness or color temperature. Others allow you to adjust the color of the light.

Shop online at Amazon and Wayfair. They have large selections of mood lights that cater to your needs. Mix and match for best results and get creative. Any light can be a mood light.

More Than One Light Source

More Than One Light Source 在画廊中查看

The last trick is using more than one light source to control the mood lighting. Add a light on the ceiling, corner, and wall.

To step things up, make your lights easy to move. Add lights behind a mirror, under the bed, and next to the windows. Hang童话灯if you feel like it. Mood lighting is about making the room yours.

Types Of Lighting Fixtures

Before you choose the type of mood lighting you want, you need to know the options. The lighting fixture can make an impact on how people perceive the lighting in the room.



Pendant Light

Pendant lights are single-shade hanging lights. You mount pendant lights on the ceiling at a height chosen by you.






Wall-mounted lights are common in all rooms. Sconces are wall-mounted lights, but there are many others.




Under-bar or under-cabinet lights are strips of lights that shine downward. They work well under cabinets and bars but you can also get creative with them.

Track Light


Mood Lighting Frequently Asked Questions


Degrees of Kelvin (K) measure color temperatures. Kelvin units reveal the amount of light that a lightbulb offers. The Kelvin scale temperature range is between 1,000K to 10,000K.




Is There A Best Mood Light For All The Time?

If you don’t want a different mood lighting for each room then play it safe. Cool light is the most common. Not warm light or daylight but cool light. White light is better than a colored one.

Can Mood Lighting Cure Diseases?

光线疗法可以缓解症状,但不能治愈iseases. They work better for increasing energy and improving moods than lowering symptoms caused by disease.

Is Mood Lighting LED Or Incandescent?

Incandescent lights are warm and comforting. The lights are not adjustable. LED lights are mood lights.

Mood lighting is not a feature of incandescent lights. For more info, click the link:白炽灯与LED灯

Mood Lighting Conclusion

Mood lighting is all about creating a setting. You can control the mood of the room with light. Each color and color temperature affects the mood. When you learn which one does which, you can welcome guests better.

Make guests feel cozy by inviting them into a room lit with warm lighting. Make them feel relaxed by inviting them into a room lit with cool lighting. It’s up to you to ensure that you present your home in the best way possible.
