新艺术建筑: Understanding Its Defining Features and Style

Nouveau Art Nouveau建筑以1890年代至1910年代初期的装饰建筑风格蓬勃发展。它在欧洲和美国很突出。Nouveau Art Architecture是一种因使用天然主题,彩色玻璃以及广泛使用拱门和曲线而识别的风格。


这个architectural style是各种形式艺术的更大运动的一部分。它是短暂的,但在持续的艺术界占据了主导地位。它也给人留下了深刻的印象,并影响了整个几十年来其他艺术运动。

What is Art Nouveau?


新艺术运动在工业时代紧随其后。在19世纪初期,设计师被用来符合建筑和设计中严格的风格模式。像约翰·鲁斯金(John Ruskin)这样的艺术家和批评家批评了多年来统治艺术和建筑的模仿和传统规则。

根据Victoria & Albert Museum在伦敦,Nouveau艺术家“充满了彻底改变建筑和设计中疲倦的历史主义的热情”。因此,新艺术设计与以前的定义和历史风格不同。Nouveau一词的意思是“新艺术”,来自Siegfried Samuel Bing的巴黎美术馆,名为Maison de L'Art Nouveau。这种风格在欧洲的其他地区很突出,但以其他名称而闻名。

Art Nouveau architects looked to nature for their inspiration. These architects used inspirations from nature to inform every aspect of the design from hand railings to the shape of the windows. The Art Nouveau style informed the exterior of the building, but interior Art Nouveau architecture was also considered important. There was Art Nouveau wallpaper, furniture, and tableware that was designed to heighten the overall experience of the design.

Related:What was the Arts and Crafts Movement?


Art Nouveau as an artistic and architectural movement was brief, lasting just under 25 years. One reason that it faded was the high cost of the building construction. Also, the start of World War I led to the need for more utility and ease of building. This later morphed into the Art Deco movement.

Yet, Art Nouveau has had a lasting impact on art styles of other decades. For example, Art Nouveau themes were later used in both Pop Art and Optical Art of the mid-20th century and in the psychedelic movement of the 1960s. It also became recognized as a Modern art movement with major exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and at the Musee D’Art Moderne in Paris. These elevated what some saw as a passing phase to a true artistic movement that was unique for its time.



Nouveau Art Nouveau建筑与这种风格的其他艺术示例一样,具有独特的特征。

  • 将天然和有机主题用​​于装饰,以创造美丽并增加建筑物的戏剧性风格。其中包括使用植物,花和雌性形式。
  • Asymmetrical elements throughout the design
  • Use of arches and curves; notice the use of whiplash curves that create an overall look of movement
  • Decorative stained glass
  • Inspired by Japonisme, or the influence of Japanese themed woodcuts
  • 使用珠宝的音调和辉煌的黄金
  • 建筑物外部和内部的沉浸式设计



巴黎地铁 - 巴黎,弗朗西斯

Paris Metro - Paris, Frances

From 1900-1913, Hector Guimard designed this and other巴黎地铁入口。他使用风格化的锻铁形状,成垂直的花朵和交织在一起的藤蔓。他对新艺术风格的使用有助于在巴黎文化中普及它。它还提供了与普通的Haussmann建筑的欢迎分化,因此在整个城市中标准标准。

应用艺术博物馆 - 布达佩斯,匈牙利

应用艺术博物馆 - 布达佩斯,匈牙利

The Applied Arts Museum in Budapest was designed by Hungarian architect Odon Lechner in 1896. It features an intricate green and yellow tiled roof with gorgeous domes and delicate spires.


格雷舍姆宫 - 布达佩斯,匈牙利


Gresham Palace Hotel是由Zsigmund Quittner经营的一家建筑公司于1906年设计的。它是为伦敦的Gresham保险公司设计的,以取代另一个结构并创造更加强大的业务。


酒店流苏- Brussels, Belgium

酒店流苏 - 布鲁塞尔,比利时

维克多·奥斯(Victor Orth)从1892年开始设计了流苏之家。尽管房屋的外观更具常规风格,但内部空间显示出真正的艺术新创新。beplay平台没信用

The interior of this staircase shows the whiplash curves in the wrought iron balusters under the handrail. This detail is mirrored in the wall decorations that move up the stairway.

Stairway of the Riga Art Nouveau Museum – Riga, Latvia

Stairway of the Riga Art Nouveau Museum - Riga, Latvia

拉脱维亚里加(Riga)是观看Nouveau Architecture例子的最佳城市之一。里加新艺术博物馆曾经是佩克斯斯大厦。在这里,您可以看到一个精美的新艺术风格的光荣例子。

担保大楼 - 布法罗,纽约

Guaranty Building - Buffalo, New York

Louis Sullivan was one of the most famous American Art Nouveau architects. He designed and built this gorgeous Guaranty Building from 1984-1896.

The building has a facade of terracotta with intricate and elaborate detailing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)常问问题

What is the difference between the Art Nouveau and the Arts and Crafts movements?

The Arts and Crafts movement was a precursor to Art Nouveau. The Arts and Crafts movement used stylized natural motifs similar to Art Nouveau, but they were more regular and less sinuous and asymmetrical in design style.

What was the Art Nouveau movement called in different countries?

Art Nouveau design style was represented throughout many countries in Europe and in the United States. In France, Art Nouveau was also known as Style Jules Verne, Le Style Métro, Le Style moderne, and Le Style nouille. In Germany, it was called Jugendstil (Youth Style) and in Austria, Sezessionstil. In Spain, Art Nouveau was part of the Modernista movement.


Artists of the Art Nouveau loved color. Many artists like Louis Comfort Tiffany and Klimt loved jewel tones and gold. Others like Alphonse Mucha loved warm tones that were soft and muted. Overall, warm tones and ivory take precedence over cool tones and stark white.


Nouveau Art Architecture与此之前或之后的任何其他建筑风格不同。在第一次世界大战之前的几年中,它体现了艺术的重要时期。

It lasted a brief 25 years, but buildings in the Art Nouveau style are prized in Europe and the United States for their unique and elaborate style.
