
Now that Halloween is over and out of the way, the next major holiday we should focus on is Thanksgiving. Although it’s usually considered to be an American holiday, several countries around the world celebrate it, including Canada, some of the Caribbean Islands and Liberia, with a few others having holidays that revolve around the same principle ideas. If you’re living in one of those regions you’re probably interested in some感恩节餐桌装饰您今年可以用作灵感的想法。这也正是我们的想法。

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Since it’s pumpkin season right now, it would be a shame not to take advantage of that and create a beautiful感恩节核心由白色南瓜主演.It can be something simple that uses neutral colors and to make it look a bit more glamorous you can add some golden accents to it.

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您知道您还可以做什么吗?A桌跑者和匹配的餐垫inspired by autumn. A lovely idea is to cut out felt leaves of different colors such as red, orange and yellow and to glue them to pieces of fabric. There’s no sewing involved in this case.

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Here’s something that’s easy to make and also super cute:橡子鸡蛋.You can make these using plastic eggs, jute twine and some spray paint in the color or colors of your choice. You’re also going to need a glue gun. Just take the eggs apart and spray paint all the halves, then wrap twine on half of the pieces and reassemble the eggs at the end. It’s not necessarily a Thanksgiving-specific project but you can definitely use it for this occasion.

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另一个很酷的想法是让特别的想法Thanksgiving dinner plates.It doesn’t have to be anything too crazy or complicated. Some simple glass plates, a copper pen and a stencil is all you need for this project. The idea is to paint cute messages on the back of each plate. Since the plates are made of clear glass, the design will show on the other side and will be totally food-safe. You can later scrub the plates the remove the design if you want to.

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Not everything on the table has to be Thanksgiving-related. Some projects, like this圆点桌布例如,不要真正遵循特定主题。这实际上是一个超级简单的项目。如果您想对其进行改头换面,则可以从现有的桌布中制成,也可以从头开始进行,在这种情况下,您需要将亚麻面料切成大小和匹配线。要使波尔卡点图案,您需要金色的丙烯酸涂料和圆泡沫pouncers。

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Decorative items can help create a special ambiance and also enhance the decor of the space. For Thanksgiving, a cute idea could be to make thisGobble Gobble标志which you can display on the mantel, on a shelf or on a wall. It’s easy to make and this could actually be a good opportunity to use some of those leftover supplies from previous DIY projects.

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AThanksgiving banneris also a very simple but also very effective decoration which you can craft around this time of the year. To make this banner you need printable iron transfers, some canvas fabric, transfer paper, a wooden dowel, leather string and some basic tools such as scissors, a ruler and an iron.

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如果您可以在感恩节餐桌装饰上增加一些精致的感觉,则可以使这些南瓜式卡片持有人中的一些。他们在第一天beplay平台没信用and they’re fairly easy to make. According to the tutorial, all that’s needed for this little project is some pumpkin floral pick, pliers (or wire cutters), a hot glue gun and some paper.

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当然,大局与所有小元素一样重要。创建感恩节桌子时,要注意不同形状,颜色和纹理如何相互作用。轻巧柔软的色板,例如在blissmakeslooks exquisite.

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Centerpieces starring White Pumpkins 在画廊中查看

我们喜欢原始想法,此菜单上有南瓜themerrythoughtis definitely a very good example in this sense. It’s a really way of showing off the menu plus the pumpkin also becomes a decoration and can be turned into a centerpiece. Add a few smaller pumpkins around it, maybe some candles too and it will look great.

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Pinecones are wonderful too. They’re super versatile and can be used in a lot of different ways. A particularly interesting idea is to turn them into place card holders for the Thanksgiving table setup. To give them a more refined look you can spray paint them and give them a nice golden finish. Check outsquirrellyminds更多细节。

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如果您更喜欢鲜艳,鲜艳的色彩,那也很棒。您可以使用橙色南瓜,绿化和向日葵等物品来创建真正美丽而丰富多彩的感恩节餐桌装饰。灵感来自poppytalk.创建自己的原始版本的this using your favorite colors and items.

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最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们想向您展示这个可爱的感恩节托盘标志,我们认为我们认为在壁炉地幔,架子上甚至靠在墙上看起来真的很酷。它是使用回收托盘木制成的,具有非常真实而迷人的外观。查看项目的所有详细信息pitterandglinkand feel free to create your own original version based on that.
