Fresh Color Combinations: Colors that Go With Purple

The color purple is as inviting as it is mysterious. Like most secondary colors, it draws upon the power of its parents (in this case, red and blue) to form its own identity in the color spectrum.


Purple combines blue’s inherent stability and serenity with red’s energy and zest to create a visual sense of luxury, creativity, power, and magic. This article will investigate several ideas of colors that go with purple, and we’ll talk about why each combination works.

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Purple + Pink + Orange

When purple wants to shine, it can do it on its own. But, better yet, it invites some nearby color wheel neighbors and really gets out there into the visual space. Purple, pink, and orange create an enthusiastic,充满活力的组合that easily, and loudly, says, “We’re happy to be here, you’re welcome.” It’s always important to work in the grounding color black in a space with such vibrant visual, to kind of offset the potential to overwhelm.

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Purple + Bronze

From weddings to makeup to interior design, a purple and bronze color palette is incredibly popular. This is likely because the colors on their own are aged to perfection, stately, yet with the tiniest glimmer of spunk and shine. Because bronze is one of the darker of the metal tones, deep purple can be paired for a moody, dramatic effect, or a paler version of purple can be used for lightening the ambiance but in a chic, grown-up way.

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Purple + Plum

在同一空间中使用两种紫色的音调 - 凉爽的蓝色紫色和像李子一样温暖的红色紫色 - 创造出令人难以置信的豪华美感。紫色是深的和戏剧性的,但仍然平易近人。当您结合了色温光谱的两端时,您就可以捕获各种有影响力的视觉糖果。当然,将组合与一些面霜保持平衡也有帮助。

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Purple + Lime Green

很长一段时间以来,苗圃中非常受欢迎的颜色组合,紫色(特别是薰衣草)和lime green comprised颜色的伟大的阴和阳。一点酸混合在一起,有很多甜味。颜色配对仍然非常受欢迎和有效,但不仅在托儿所中,因此这些Alex Andrite Graphic橱柜可以证明。选择一些有趣的图案,不要害怕在此配对中与您的一些紫色深入。

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Purple + Mint Green

Rich, saturated purple plays an important role when combined with more watery greens, such as sage or mint green. The中性果岭naturally take the background role while purple steps forward; this creates such an interesting dynamic when the actual implementation of the colors is reversed, and purple is used as an accompanying color to green. Regardless, the combination feels sophisticated and tactile.

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紫色 +灰色

灰色和紫色从来没有像这张伯恩哈特(Bernhardt)旋转椅子桌子那样散发出精致,聪明和华丽的效率。但是,将灰色视为带有紫色的理想颜色,这确实是不费吹灰之力的。灰色借助工业,功利主义核心颜色固体基础that’s begging to be dressed up with a proven color like purple. I love the smoothness of this piece combined with the practicality of its design.

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Purple + Pink + Gray


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Purple + Olive Green

Acool shade of purple, with more blue/indigo undertones than red or yellow ones, will warm up beautifully when paired with a hue likeolive green。作为棕色和绿色甚至黄色之间的十字架,橄榄绿色是泥土的,这使得二人组成的颜色很好。当然,使用其他一些较深的中性物(例如乌木和木炭)有助于组合感觉平衡和扎根。

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Purple + Mustard

作为一种历史悠久的颜色,它以皇家的方式存放着,这似乎很奇怪,它与像“关闭”颜色的搭配得很好mustard。But the truth is, purple and yellow are complementary colors (living across from each other on the color wheel), which means they will always pair well.

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Purple + Taupe

我知道您可能在想什么:每一个color goes with taupe. This is true, because taupe is a neutral among neutrals. However, that doesn’t change the fact that, when与灰褐色配对, purple reigns like royalty. From grape juice purple to burgundy and all the purple shades in between, all of these hues work to brighten the taupe space they might find themselves in because taupe often has a hint of purple undertones in it anyway.

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Purple + Pink + Red

Practically analogous colors, this color palette infuses a space with cohesive energy and femininity. In their bolder tones, the colors that go with purple are not only edgy, but they are also stimulating and vibrant. When the palette is given a softer tint, the colors veer toward sweetness that makes more sense with an abundance of natural light.
