Dramatic Art is Ideal for Creating a Feature Wall


Dramatic feature wall art ideas


Experts say to keep color in mind when creating a feature wall, but don’t choose a piece of art just because it matches the decor. Investing in an artwork — whether it is a costly piece or affordable creation by an up-and-coming artist — should be done because the piece speaks to you in some way. Colorful works will immediately draw the eye to your feature wall, especially if they are oversized. A dramatic arrangement of smaller works can also achieve the same thing. Whether you choose a piece that is done in a single vibrant hue, or a rainbow of different colors, colorful art is expressive.

This large work features a unique technique by artist霍尔顿划船者,他们创建了“倒入绘画”,最多使用50加仑的油漆。著名艺术家亚历山大·卡尔德(Alexander Calder)的孙子使用胶合板面板,木头块(各种材料)制作了自己的作品。从小到极大的范围,他的作品中心集中在不同图案的油漆汇总。

This oversized Rower piece also features dimension thanks to the stacked center panels. 在画廊中查看
This oversized Rower piece also features dimension thanks to the stacked center panels.


黑白艺术品is a dramatic choice, no matter what color the rest of your space. The contrasting hues always have an element of drama and are a particularly wonder type of art for a feature wall. This work by Belgian artistYves Zurstrassenhas lots of movement and visual interest because to incorporates different techniques and shapes in the abstract work, much as a collage, but with only paint.

油漆,形状和技术的层次造就了戏剧性的作品。 在画廊中查看


Monochrome pieces当哥伦比亚艺术家的这项工作包括很多质地时,他们还会增加兴趣Ricardo Cardenasluminum, and boasts a textural look that has lots of depth and movement. It’s a perfect piece for adding a powerful punch of color to an otherwise neutral room.

卡德纳斯(Cardenas)创建墙壁雕塑以及自由式的碎片和装置。 在画廊中查看

Of course, texture does not need to be so colorful or dramatic to create interest on a feature wall.Zigi Ben Haim,一位在伊拉克出生的艺术家在纽约工作,他使用各种发现的材料来创作他的作品,并制作了这件作品。叫esh wire, canvas, paper, alkyd, and aluminum hooks. It includes a variety of vibrant colors as well as different textures that draw you in to contemplate the meanings.

本·海姆(Ben Haim)的作品在世界各地的博物馆中,包括古根海姆(Guggenheim),布鲁克林博物馆(Brooklyn Museum)和电视博物馆。 在画廊中查看
本哈伊姆的作品在世界各地的博物馆,including the Guggenheim, the Brooklyn Museum and the Tel-Aviv Museum.

Diptychs and Triptychs

Multiple-piece artworks, including diptychs and triptychs, are natural choices for creating a feature wall. Not only the size of the finished arrangement, but the repetition of larger canvases creates a dominant element for any room. Multiple pieces in a larger size are best featured alone on a large, expansive wall, whether above a sofa or not. These kinds of piece, whether or not they are colorful, will dominate the rest of the space.

纽约和中国出生的艺术家的戏剧性抽象三联画Shen Chenis a marvelous example of a multiple element work for a feature wall. The untitled piece is acrylic on canvas, painted with a wide variety of traditional Chinese brushes. Chen works on the studio floor, moving from the top down vertically. Horizontal lines show where each vertical brushstroke began and ended, with multiple layers creating the final product.

Chen's work has been called 在画廊中查看
Chen’s work has been called “Western in appearance but Oriental in soul.”

使用不寻常技术的艺术作品也非常适合特征墙,因为它们不仅会变得美丽而有趣,而且会变得很有趣。它们是否是拼贴画,绘画,sculpturesor other assemblages, they will spotlight the wall you choose.

This pair of works by丹尼斯·李·米切尔(Dennis Lee Mitchell)是烟画,无论悬挂在哪里,都一定会引起人们的注意。单色“烟雾绘画”是通过调节火焰以及他在纸张或画布上存放多少碳来创建的。米切尔还使用一种技术,他用罐子烟雾加压,然后将其喷射到纸上。工作室的一天可能会产生100至300件,其中大部分被丢弃,因为它们太焦化或着火了。

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

这项技术跨越了摄影和雕塑的范围,艺术家剪切,创建和结合起来,使戏剧性但令人不安的作品。泰国艺术家Kamolpan Chotvichaiuses paper and canvas to explore issues of identity and gender, along with Buddhism, in her works. Again, devoid of strong colors, the unusual art technique yields a very striking artwork that lends itself to being used on a feature wall.


选择一种为您的功能墙做政治或社会陈述的艺术品可以保证引起人们的关注。无论作品如何,这都是表达您意见的创造性和强大方式。位于多伦多的多学科艺术家兼作家埃尔登·加内特(Eldon Garnet)创作了唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统编辑的版本或推文的金属雕塑。对文字作品的作品,无论它们是雕塑,paintings or other typesof creations, are best suited for a feature wall in order to get the most attention.

This type of feature wall art is for those who confidently express their opinions. 在画廊中查看
This type of feature wall art is for those who confidently express their opinions.
Chotvichai的作品主要是肖像和自画像。 在画廊中查看
Chotvichai’s works are mainly portraits and self-portraits.


各种雕塑艺术自然是在您的家中创建功能墙。beplay平台没信用选择任何类型的三维艺术品,并使用它在您的空间中创建社交墙。从金属到塑料,木材或混合介质,任何媒介都可以使用。在这里,美国艺术家的霓虹灯作品基思·桑尼尔(Keith Sonnier)is a great example of a novel material used in a sculpture that creates a feature wall. The colors, light and theatricality of the piece will create an instant focal point. Sonnier’s work typically uses bright colors and sparse lines in sculptures that “combine hi-tech industrial materials with organic or corporeal themes,” according to Artsy.

Sonnier derives a great deal of inspiration from his Cajun upbringing in Louisiana. 在画廊中查看
Sonnier derives a great deal of inspiration from his Cajun upbringing in Louisiana.

木材可能是您期望在家具中看到的东西,也许不是艺术,但是韩国艺术家Jae Hyo Leetransforms natural pieces of wood into sculptural marvels. A master of his medium, Lee’s work is said to straddle the lines between modern art and design. His technique enhances the natural shape and color of wood, creating a dramatic sculpture where the focus is till n the beautiful characteristics of the material.

李说,材料本身可以指导他的工作,质地决定了其形式。 在画廊中查看

Displaying a work of art is a fantastic way to create a feature wall. The options are endless, and as always where are is concerned, you are limited only by your budget and your taste. Take a look at the art you own, and see if you can change its location to create a feature wall. Or, see which wall in your space lends itself to displaying art and then start browsing for something that appeals to you and will create joy in your home.

Metal Pieces

Another dramatic choice for a piece of art on an accent was is one that is made from metal. The dimension these works provide, along with the unexpected look that many have create a real conversation piece and an impactful option for a feature wall. Metal artworks can be of modest size or they can be really big and statement-making. It depends on the size of your space and your aesthetic tastes which way you should go.

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

罗伊·夏皮罗(Roy Shapiro)的心脏创作绝非令人讨厌或可爱。这些形状是由重叠的硬币形成的,并用创造社会陈述的元素装饰。这些金属饰品以单一心脏或分组形式显示,就像三维马赛克具有某种风格的感觉。

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

爱德华多·纳瓦罗(Eduardo Navarro)的这项较大的金属作品是一件现代作品,值得注意。题为我们周围旋转的人,该件由50个铝制焊接眼镜组成。像这样的较大作品在墙壁很大的折衷或现代空间中是理想的选择,艺术可以占主导地位。

Mixed Media


米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

The World IX by Victoria Kovalenchikova is a great example of a fabulous work that speaks volumes without being overly colorful. The textures of this piece, created in 2018, come from the combination of oil, epoxy resin, and diamond dust on canvas. The result is swirling work that is very much a topical relief map of the world. Kovalenchikova says her pieces are “an outlook at the transformation of the world surrounding us” and are a figurative integration of abstract elements.

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

Patricia Hashuel在2018年对Cristina Aguilera的致敬中使用了各种媒体。三维作品是由丙烯酸,Gesso和Fabrics制成的,并作为真正的时尚作品融合在一起。从童年开始,Hashuel一直受到她对流行音乐的热爱的启发,并一直特别注意艺术家穿的服装。现在,她把衣服穿在画布上。

Modern Material Mosaics


米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

Nemo Jantzen’s mosaic-style work uses mixed media with resin/glass spheres on wood to create works that question and deconstruct pop culture and mass media, the artist says. The pieces, like this one, are a mixture photography, pointillism, and pop art that come together in a depiction of a famous face. This type of work provides plenty of material for contemplation, as each piece of the mosaic features a different image.

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

成千上万的普通螺丝制作了这个名为Martini Nights的墙壁雕塑。由安德鲁·迈尔斯(Andrew Myers)创建的,该作品还使用木板上的油漆和丙烯酸聚氨酯搪瓷。这是现代马赛克的光学错觉的另一个壮观例子。螺丝头的颜色进一步强调了视觉元素(例如褶皱,皱纹和随便的披肩领带)的执行,从而增加了额外的尺寸。

Textile Works

Modern textile pieces might be a little less prevalent among the types of art that most buyers consider but this too is a very old medium. From Renaissance tapestries to antique quilts and ancient weavings, textiles have always been rather common in art. Today’s textile artists are using fabrics and fibers in novel ways to create pieces that range from very structured to quite organic.

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

对于那些想要一种更有机或波西米亚风格的功能墙的人来说,艺术家安吉拉·斯科扎尼(Angela Scozzani)这样的作品适合该法案。泥土色调的随机形状的纤维结构悬挂在生锈的铁路钢的结构上。Scozzani说,她的作品受生锈的金属,织物和周围环境中发现的颜色和纹理的影响。结果是非常有机的壁挂式悬挂和雕塑,它们为特征墙带来了质地。

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

标志性的秘鲁艺术家特雷莎·伯加(Teresa Burga)的挂毯是一种jacquard,将醒目的黑白支票背景与各种纹理的彩色部分结合在一起。从她的系列题为Dibujos Viendo Mal,工作是结构2:由随机颜色的音素组成的单词。伯加(Burga)的工作是研究密集的,通常专注于女性身体和国家暴力。这是纺织艺术中的戏剧性和发人深省的选择。



米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

什么时候是汽车的图像不仅是图像?当它是英国X射线艺术家Nick Veasey的作品时。他的作品是由X射线图像制成的,对平凡的物体进行了梦幻般的旋转,为它们的结构和下面的内容提供了新的视角。顺便说一句,骨骼不是真实的人,而是将数字图像放入构图中。

米切尔(Mitchell)的职业生涯大部分时间都是陶瓷艺术家,然后转向媒介吸烟。 在画廊中查看

Sang-Sik Hong的嘴唇幽灵效果实际上是由成千上万种塑料吸管组成的。嘴唇的起伏浮雕和微妙的颜色变化都是通过在不同长度上细致的吸管放置来实现的。整个作品的景色与仔细检查,是一件非常了不起的事情。使用异常材料的特殊作品是特征墙的核心。
