

Drawer Dividers

Drawer Dividers



  1. Box Cutter
  2. A cardboard box
  3. Sharpie marker

Step 1: Determine which drawer needs organizing

首先,确定哪个drawer needs organizing。For this example, it’s the sock drawer, which will need relatively small drawer dividers thanks to its purpose.


Determine which drawer needs organizing 

Begin by completely emptying the drawer to prepare creation of the sock drawer dividers.

Step 2: Begin to cut fitted cardboard for dividing drawers

Drawer Dividers

Cut four strips of cardboard that are precisely the height of the inner part of your drawer. Basically, you want the cardboard tall enough to thoroughly organize without impeding the open/close function of the drawer itself.



Create the layout of the cardboard inserts for drawer dividing 在画廊中查看

Determine the layout of your diy cardboard drawer dividers that will organize its contents most efficiently. In this instance, we took into account the size of the pairs of socks in length and width.

Determine the layout of your drawer dividers

This became the plan for the diagonal drawer dividers: two horizontal dividers, with one dividing the back half of the drawer, and two vertical dividers spaced evenly.

Step 4: Use a box cutter and cut the cardboard

Use a box cutter and cut the cardboard



Drawer Dividers

On one of the longer (horizontal) cardboard strips, use the box cutter to cut thin strips halfway down the cardboard. These strips should be at the point of intersection, in your design, with the “vertical” dividers.

Drawer Dividers


Step 6: Line up the shorter cardboard strips to cut evenly

Drawer Dividers


Drawer Dividers


Drawer Dividers


Slide the cardboard strips together at the cutout placements.

Drawer Dividers

Flatten the cardboard grid to fit it into the drawer snugly.

Drawer Dividers

Step 8: Finalize layout to ensure a fit

Straighten out the cardboard grid in your drawer.

Drawer Dividers



Drawer Dividers

Pro tip: When it comes to organizing socks or clothes, is to store them vertically when possible. The second row involves this strategy to a greater extent because the socks themselves are much shorter and can be “stood” up within the divider.

Drawer Dividers

Drawer Dividers

More DIY Drawer Divider Ideas For Every Space

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How To Make A DIY Desk Organizer

Desk drawers are almost always messy and the problem is there’s a lot of small and different items that get thrown in here all the time.

Some simple dividers made out of cardstock can solve this issue.

They’re more practical than标准抽屉组织者因为它们没有固定的形状和尺寸,因此您可以根据抽屉内容的任何配置将它们制成。

Check out the instructions onthecraftingnook

Organize a Junk Drawer with Dividers

Organize a Junk Drawer with Dividers

Every kitchen has that one drawer that’s always full of all sorts of utensils and knick-knacks which is practical but often difficult to keep organized.


You can make these dividers yourself out of wood once you’ve come up with a design.

OnKevinandamandayou can find a detailed tutorial explaining how it’s all done.

Nursery Drawer Divider Idea

Baby Drawer Divider Idea

Being organized shouldn’t be costly. That’s what so great about drawer dividers. They can made out of all sorts of materials so just use what you have at your disposal. It can be wood, plastic, cardboard and other materials.

In all cases you can make dividers that you can then decorate using scrapbooking paper and other supplies just so they look nice and pretty.

It’s a lovely way to add some color to your drawers and to make these dividers also serve as decorations.

Head over tothehomesihavemadeto see how it’s done.

Design Kitchen Drawer Dividers For Your Home

Design Kitchen Drawer Dividers For Your Home


Here’s a wood organizer designed to fit easily into a drawer and to create separate compartments for different items. Since you’re making this from scratch you can play with the dimensions and proportions and potentially modify the compartments based on your specific storage needs.

The details of the project can be found on建造基础

厨房Utensil Drawer Organizer

厨房Utensil Drawer Organizer

The tutorial from卷发explains how to make two different types of kitchen drawer dividers. One is best for small drawers and it helps to divide it into several horizontal compartments. It’s a design that suits kitchen drawers that hold utensils.

The other types is meant for larger drawers like those can hold clothes and accessories and it divides them into larger vertical sections.

That way you can keep your shirts nice and stacked and separate from the socks and everything else. In both cases the organizers are made of wood.

Drawer Dividers 在画廊中查看


This design fromHousefulhandmademakes that possible with their adjustable drawer dividers thanks to wood clips. These hold together and boards the separate the different sections of the drawer and they come in three different styles: T, X, and end caps.


At Home Office DIY Drawer Organizer

At Home Office DIY Drawer Organizer


You can make plastic drawer dividers or clear drawer dividers so they match the inside of the drawers and you can come up with different patterns and configurations for each drawer based on the contents stored in it.

Larger compartments can be useful for notebooks and documents and smaller ones for tape rolls, paper clips and other office supplies.

This can also work as an option for file cabinet drawer dividers.

DIYColorful Drawer Dividing Solution

DIYColorful Drawer Dividing Solution

On top of looking amazing, these drawer organizers from珍妮弗尔曼are really easy to make. They’re made out of cardstock and they each have a different color and a cute label marking what type of items go in it.

To make them you need tacky glue and you can use the pattern mentioned in the tutorial.


Small Kitchen Deep Drawer Dividers

Small Kitchen Deep Drawer Dividers


If you want to you can improve that by crafting utensil drawer dividers, that are perfectly sized and just the way you like them. You’ll need a few basic supplies for DIY kitchen drawer dividers such as craft wood, glue,一些夹具,胶带尺寸和斜切锯。

Check out丑陋的房屋for silverware drawer dividers instructions and, as always, don’t be afraid to make changes to the design or to use a different style.



如上所示我们DIY抽屉分隔教程,all you need is an empty drawer, a thoughtful layout, and some cardboard with an x-acto knife. Once you gather these materials, follow our step-by-step instruction guide to create your dream drawer dividers!




The materials are totally up to you! While we used cardboard in the tutorial if you want to make them more unique, go for it! You can make: wooden drawer dividers, bamboo drawer dividers, or even trendy acrylic drawer dividers!

Are drawer organizers worth it?

A huge yes! DIY drawer divider organizers help keep your internal spaces tidy and allow you to save time by not searching around aimlessly.


The same way you would make desk draw dividers, or baby draw dividers! Simply scope your project out, gather your materials, and begin perfecting your craft!

Cardboard Drawer Dividers: Conclusion

