

Does Fireproof Insulation Exist View in gallery

防火绝缘is crucial for a safe house. Today, most insulation is fireproof, but ensuring that yours is as fireproof as you want it to be is important for your own peace of mind. Here’s what you need to know.

Does Fireproof Insulation Exist?

The term “fireproof” gets thrown around a lot by companies and individuals. But with fire being one of the most destructive substances known to man, with water beating it out, is anything really fireproof?

When something is labeled fireproof it insinuated that the material cannot catch on fire, cannot melt, and cannot be affected negatively by fire. But that simply isn’t the case, especially with fireproof insulation.


防火隔热vs。防火绝缘 View in gallery

When describing things that can withstand fire or great heat, fire resistance is often a safer term to use. That’s because fireproof leads one to believe fire cannot touch it while fire resistance will make one believe that it can withstand a great deal of fire.


What Is Fire Retardant And Is It Better Than Fireproof Insulation?

A fire retardant is a substance that is used to slow down or stop the spread of fire. Some建筑材料can be coated in a fire-retardant substance though it is more common for them to be coated in a fire-resistant substance.

Fire retardants are normally sprayed on fire that is already burning to help make them smaller or even stop them completely. They aren’t often used in houses as they are made of chemicals that can be harmful to humans.

绝缘类型And Which Can Be Fireproof Insulation

绝缘类型  View in gallery




玻璃纤维是旋转像融化的玻璃棉ca吗ndy. Though fiberglass won’t burn, it is often packed in a paper that will burn quickly. However, more and more coverings for fiberglass are made with flame-resistant material.


Mineral Wool


Most mineral wool, depending on what type of mineral it is made from, can withstand temperatures of up to 2000°F so it is fireproof when exposed to house fires. So using it is just as good as using something that can withstand 5000°F.

Fibrous Mats

Fibrous mats are made using asbestos. It is very fire-resistant although it does pose serious health risks. It isn’t recommended to use asbestos anymore and it has been taken off the market, only found in old homes.




Today, it isn’t recommended because it can ignite at 300°F. This is a much lower temperature than other insulations so most people steer clear of it, especially inside the house. Though it can be used in other buildings.

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Cementitious insulation is made withcement通常喷在墙上。因为它是由水泥制成的,所以它比大多数其他绝缘量相当耐火和强大。但这并不总是最适合火。






如何Prevent It:never leave the kitchen while you are cooking and always keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen where everyone knows the location. This can be the difference between your house burning down and not.


它是如何发生的:you set your加热器out, someone else moves it, another person throws a towel in the corner where the heater was just moved. It happens all of the time and is a common cause of house fires.

如何Prevent It:keep heaters at least one yard away from everything else and make sure everyone in the house is aware of their locations. If it helps, have one person in charge of the heaters at all times.

Indoor Smoking

它是如何发生的: you put your cigarette in the ashtray, you fall asleep, the cigarette falls out and catches the carpet on fire. The rest is history. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Indoor smoking doesn’t have to cause fires.

如何Prevent It:防止室内吸烟引起的火灾的最简单方法是不要在里面吸烟。但是,如果这不是一个选择,请确保您始终正确地拨出香烟,因为这是房屋火灾死亡的主要原因之一。

Electrical Issues

它是如何发生的:a short circuit, problems during a storm, frayed cords the dog has chewed on. There are many reasons that electrical cords and wiring can cause fires, but there are ways to prevent them.

如何Prevent It:尽管您无法控制一些事情,但您可以做一些事情来提供帮助。确保始终正确密封所有绳索,不要过载适配器或电砖,并确保始终更新电线。


它是如何发生的:even in this day and age, there are fires started bywax candles.Perhaps, even more, fires as people don’t know how to safely use open flames like they did when they were the main source of light and heat.

如何Prevent It:切勿在里面放着蜡烛的房间,除非有人在监视那支蜡烛,也不要在蜡烛附近留下任何易燃的东西。这确实和这个一样简单。


它是如何发生的: sounds silly, but kids often start fires when unattended by adults. Sometimes it’s on accident, sometimes it’s on purpose. However, they never intend for it to get out of hand like it sometimes does.

如何Prevent It:there are two things you can do to help prevent fires started by children. The first thing you can do is teach them about fire safety and why it’s dangerous to play with fire. The second thing is to not leave them unattended.



如何Prevent It:将易燃材料远离火灾,始终让一个负责任的成人保持清醒以监视火灾,除非您有经验,否则切勿将汽油用于Firestarter。

它是如何发生的:the main reason that lights, light bulbs, and heat lamps cause fires is because no one thinks that it can happen. Well, it can. So make sure you take preventive measures to keep fires at bay.

如何Prevent It:the first thing you can do is make sure that you keep all flammable materials away from lights of all kinds. You should also unplug or turn off any lights that aren’t in use every day.

How Do I Know If I Have Fireproof Insulation?

This is a wonderful question that we hear a lot. The easiest way to find out if your insulation is fireproof is to ask a professional. They can take a peek behind your wall coverings and find out if your insulation is safe.

还有没有其他好的办法you wouldn’t want to test it yourself. But a professional can get in and out without even leaving a mark. Just make sure you get a binding estimate before they visit to prevent hidden costs.
