18 Garage Conversion Ideas To Improve Your Home

一个简单的车库has more potential than you can ever imagine. You can turn a cold and sober place into a welcoming and peaceful garage conversion with a little effort and imagination. The final result depends on your wishes! The options are endless, but unfortunately, you still have to consider various aspects. One of them is the amount of space you have.


另一个与您关于一个的想法有关garage conversion。What would you like to have instead of an office, a reading corner, a playground for your kids? Maybe the following images will help you decide what you need.








车库转换Floor Plans

车库转换Floor Plans

Deciding how you want to use the space in the garage is arguably the most crucial aspect of a garage conversion. Let your creativity run wild when creating the floor plans for your garage. Whether you’re converting it into an office space to work from home or a living area to rent out, there are countless options for how to transform the space in your garage.

车库转换Before and After

车库转换Before and After

Can you attest to your garage looking similar to this? Often, a garage gets used to store everything from holiday decorations and camping gear to trash cans and outdoor equipment, like this one fromhdrremodeling。一个d unfortunately, this garage was severly damaged from over a decade of neglect.

could transform your garage into a functional living space



转换你的加拉有几个好处ge, like capitalizing on existing space and working with an existing structure. And since many people don’t actually park in their garage, you can use this area to add more space to your home. Check out these inspiring garage conversions where owners took an empty, cold garage and transformed it into a functional, beautiful space.

1. Garage renovated for family play.

garage renovated for family


2. Cozy guest house.




garage space with plants

Modern Craft Constructionsucceeded in creating a gorgeous living space area where once was a garage. They did their job so well that I wouldn’t have noticed this space was实际上是一个车库。该区域缺少窗户,玻璃车库门是唯一让我想到此选项的窗户。这是与家人一起看电影或举办聚会的好地方。您有足够的空间!

4. Sleeping loft garage conversion in Santa Barbra.

garage living space

We all need a special place where we can find our peace and unleash our creativity. This splendid loft has almost everything you need: a sleeping area, a small kitchen and bathroom, huge barn doors with a rustic charm and a beautiful climbing plant that will bring freshness to this space. Such a lovely setting would make you dream about an endless summer.{found on贝斯丹娜}.



Who would have thought a garage can be converted in such a romantic room? The mosquito net over the bed is the main attraction. I can only imagine a fresh airflow playing with those white curtains!{found on schappacherwhite}.



拥有一个遥控器将有助于我们通过一个简单的按钮来实现梦想的简单简单!我肯定知道的一件事:有人的梦想已经实现了Kerrie Kelly设计师。他们将车库改造成这个美丽的家庭休息室。一个乙醇壁炉niched into a sheet rock wall was added to create a warm and relaxing atmosphere. The vividly painted items on the shelves and these beautiful flowered chairs bring a splash of color and induce a whimsical feeling.

7. Turn your garage into a man cave.



8. Home gym garage conversion.


这些天保持身材并不容易!我们总是很着急,我们中的许多人工作很多,并且忙于思考我们应该吃什么以及何时饮食。更不用说我们没有足够的时间每天去健身房。那么,如何在不整天工作到工作,然后再去健身房,然后再次回家,改变自己的生活方式呢?beplay平台没信用这绝对不是保持体形的方式,而是每天应对更多压力的一种方式。将您的旧车库转到home gym并停止浪费宝贵的时间和金钱去健身房。

9. Create a suitable working place for you…in your garage.

garage converted into a working space

Whether you’re a freelancer, a writer, a painter or just a person that enjoys spending a lot of time on the internet, you need a proper space to do your job in peace. If that place can be furnished and decorated by you, even better! So go ahead, think about what you need, make a list, buy whatever you need and turn your garage in an office or an art studio.

10. Turn your garage in a home cinema.

turn your garage into a home theater



garage home for your car

外观和样式的变化并不总是伴随着功能的变化。您可以改变车库,但仍将其用于其预期目的。换句话说,您可以对其进行升级,并将其从停车位变成汽车的房屋。beplay平台没信用从这个意义上讲是一个鼓舞人心的Motiv Architectswho used laminated timber to give this garage from Vancouver a makeover and make it look super inviting.

12. Micro-home garage conversion

garage micro home
sleeping and sitting area in garage

事实证明,车库实际上足够大,可以用作微型房屋。beplay平台没信用它可能不是很宽敞,但是您可以适合基本元素,例如床,厨房,浴室和内部储物库。该项目的成功代表由Studio Im内部。他们将一个车库从立陶宛的维尔纽斯转变为Corten Steel的21平方米家居。beplay平台没信用



If the idea of using the actual existing garage presents too many limitations, there’s also the option to take down the garage and use the site for something else. Given that the area would be very small, if you want to build a house here it would have to have more than one floor and a cleverly-designed floor plan in order to be properly functional. You can check out the project done by studio蒂卡里工作这完全解决了这个想法。

14. Turn an old garage into a home/workshop

home and workshop in the garage

并非所有车库都很小。有些人足够大,可以变成舒适的房屋,甚至还有一些空间在工作区域。beplay平台没信用这里的一个很好的例子是设计师Stephanie进行的转换Davidson和Georg Rafailidis他将1920年代的车库变成了房屋和车间。beplay平台没信用这是一个组合的空间,令人惊讶地大而通风。在外面看起来相当质朴,但内部具有现代化的新鲜氛围。



另一个想法是将车库转变为独立的辅助结构。It can serve as a guest house whenever someone comes over and stays for a few days, it can be an office whenever you’re working from home or just an additional space like a mini version of your main house which you can use in various other ways. Perhaps this project done by棚结构和设计can inspire you. To make this space more versatile you can include a selection of basic functions and features like a kitchenette, some storage, a sitting area, a bed and a bathroom.



If you’re set on transforming your garage and turning it into something else, it’s good to think about not just your needs right now but also other possible uses for space in the future. Try to make it versatile so that you can easily转换或重新利用it if needed. A great example of such a project is the one done by studiosLosada Garcia建筑师,ModernGrannyFlatand Prismatica. They planned for innovation and flexibility and it really shows in the design.



Why let your garage go unused when you can turn it into an art studio? Small garages are the perfect place for creating art, whether pottery or painting. The conversion fromblissinteriors, added windows to eliminate the dark, dank space with bright natural light. The windows also provide a view of the backyard garden. This garage conversion improved the house’s overall look and became a workplace for all family members.

18. Garage office conversion


Before the conversion, this looked like most garages – dark and empty and was renovated byAnna O’Gorman建筑师。While you might use your garage for storage, garages often go unused and sit empty.


它的最终产品garage conversion is an open office space with garden views. Desk and sitting space are abundant and even accommodate a small kitchen. The block walls are painted white to brighten the area and include a waterproof concrete slab to protect the flooring. Overall, this is an excellent example of a garage conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)常问问题


If you’re going to do a garage conversion, you want to make sure the space is comfortable. You can accomplish this by:

1. Insulation – Insulating the walls and door of the garage creates a consistent, comfortable temperature.

2.地板覆盖物和高程 - 许多车库地板低于您家中的地板。beplay平台没信用在某些情况下,提高车库地板可能是有益的。在某些地方,需要添加地板安装。用层压板,木头或乙烯基覆盖车库地板也是美学的好主意。

3.隐藏难看的区域 - 诸如热水器,储藏器和炉子之类的东西在视觉上没有吸引力。您可以轻松地使用非负载轴承墙覆盖它们。

How Much Does a Single Garage Conversion Cost?

How you intend to convert the space will significantly vary the conversion cost. Suppose you intend to turn the garage into a completely livable space with a bathroom, laundry, and a kitchen. In that case, you’ll spend significantly more than if you are converting it into an area that doesn’t necessarily need plumbing and electricity.



The value your garage conversion adds to your home depends on one thing: Do you live in an area where parking is a priority?

In many areas, converting a garage into a bedroom can add $5,000 or more in value to your home. However, if you live in an area where parking your car is prevalent, your home could lose value by converting your garage.



良好的绝缘,加强绝缘将your garage much warmer consistently. Insulation is affordable, DIY friendly, and a straightforward process.

电动太空加热器 - 现代加热器节能效率,不会大量提高电费。如果您在地板空间上紧绷,则可以安装在墙上。

Radiant heating – These systems are installed in the floor, walls, or ceiling of the garage to heat the surface of an area rather than the air. This system should be installed by a professional and can be expensive upfront but have low operating costs once installed.

Ductless mini-split system – This system includes an air-handling unit that you can place on the floor or mount to the wall or ceiling. It’s the most comfortable way to heat your garage, but installation can be costly.

How to Insulate a Garage Conversion


– Rockwool batts and blankets

- 棉布

– Loose-fill fiberglass

- 松散的纤维素

- 聚苯乙烯结构绝缘面板

- 聚异尿酸盐结构绝缘板


1.清除墙壁 - 首先,取出干墙,清除污垢和螺柱腔,检查霉菌并清理任何化学溢出物。

2. Fill the gaps and cracks – Then, use expanding foam to fill in the gaps and cracks in the walls and corners.

3. Install fiberglass insulation – Tuck the insulation in between the studs in the wall and staple it to the sides of the studs.

4. Add the drywall – Once the insulation is finally secure, add the drywall using glue and screw it into the front of the stud.

Do I need an Architect for Garage Conversion?

For most garage conversions, you can expect to work with an architect to create the floor plans. In many locations, an architect is required to obtain the necessary permits. You can contact the local Zoning Department for more information in your area.


For California residents, as long as the garage is habitable space, it is legal to live in. California allows residents to convert their garages into livable spaces for more housing opportunities.

一个d as with many cities, you must obtain the proper permits and meet the specific requirements before converting or living in your garage.

Take Your Garage Conversion to The Next Level

Whether you want an organized work area or another livable area, converting your garage is an affordable and easy way to transform your space. Use these practical ideas and real-life projects to take your garage to the next level.
