客厅地板瓷砖of Every Kind and Style

While the kitchen might be the heart of the home, the living room is a close second and a very busy place. Living room floor tiles are one of the most durable forms of floor that you can choose and perfect for high traffic areas.

活的room floor tiles are
Naomi Finlay


客厅地板瓷砖: Materials and Styles

My English Country Cottage

虽然有些人只是为了bathroomor kitchen, tiles are an excellent flooring option for living rooms too. From natural stone to hardwood flooring, tiles can mimic many aesthetic options.

Further, tiles can have a look that is uniform or create contrast depending on the color of the grout and the tiles themselves. Each has a different level of durability and stain resistance that should be explored when choosing tiles for the living room. We will consider the most popular tile options for living room spaces.



These tiles are made from molded clay and are the least expensive option for tile flooring. Fabricators mold ceramic tiles into many different shapes and colors. There are ceramic tiles that look like wood and natural stone like slate and granite.


These tiles are similar to ceramic but have a higher proportion of silica and quartz. This makes them more durable and resistant to water damage than ceramic tiles. Like ceramic, there are porcelain tiles that can look like wood and natural stone.

3. Hardwood tile floor

“Hardwood” tiles are porcelain, ceramic, vinyl, or linoleum tiles that have been engineered to have a wood look. They resemble hardwood of many different species like oak and pine and are arranged in patterns like人字and other decorative parquet.

4. Vinyl tile

Vinyl tiles are made from a form of plastic known as polyvinyl chloride plastic or PVC. Luxury vinyl tiles mimic the look of natural materials and are water resistant. Vinyl tiles vary in quality and price. While most are inexpensive, luxury vinyl tile is longer lasting and more expensive.




  • 大理石tile大理石瓷砖是由固体岩石大理石制成的,有许多不同的颜色。由于其豪华外观,它可以提升任何房间的风格。您必须每六个月重新密封此瓷砖,以保持对污渍和刮擦的强烈抗性。
  • 花岗岩瓷砖– Fabricators create granite tiles from solid stones. Many prize granite for its durability and strength. However, it is expensive and can be difficult and time-consuming regarding maintenance.
  • 石板瓷砖——石板从变质岩开采出来,是long-lasting and resistant to scratching and staining. Most slate is dark gray but there are variations within the stone ranging from orange to brown and green to purple.

优点and cons of tiles in the living room

活的room tile is the perfect option for many situations. However, no option is perfect. There are definite reasons why tile floors don’t work as well in some situations.


  • Tile is a less expensive option than other types of flooring like hardwood flooring.
  • 瓷砖很耐用。随着时间的流逝,它们不会表现出太多磨损,如果保持良好,它们会耐水和耐污渍。
  • Tile is a versatile flooring that can complement many different styles.
  • 瓷砖地板易于清洁和维修。


  • Tile flooring is cold to the touch.
  • 瓷砖地板可能很硬又滑。这两个例外是乙烯基和油毡,它们都比其他地板选项柔软。
  • 如果您从另一批瓷砖中获得一块,则瓷砖很难匹配。因此,最好在原始批次中获得一些额外的瓷砖,以防万一,您需要替换它。
  • You can scratch and crack tiles if you drop heavy objects on them.

客厅地板瓷砖For Every Style

Natural stone tiles

The look of tile is varied and unique making it a good choice for living room floors. We have gathered some of the best looks for you to consider to help you decide if tile is a good option for you.



这些白色客厅的地砖the look of white marble but they are made from ceramic. This tile elevates the look of the room in a way that no other flooring could. It is contemporary and sleek.

The contrasting colors of the furniture create a dramatic contrast. This accent color works well as it echoes the tones of gray in the tile floor. The wonderful thing about this flooring is that even though it has the luxe look of marble, because it is ceramic tiles, the price is much less than true marble.


Ola Zwolenik

Many people love the patterns of mosaic tile but feel that it would be too overwhelming in a large room like the living room. This home from Ola Zwolenik strikes the perfect balance. She uses mosaic tiles in a room that can be seen from the living room.

The way that the color blends with the colorful decor creates a look that is both historic and on-trend. Further, mosaic tiles are the perfect accent for a fireplace in a living room if you can’t use them on the floor.

Checkered marble tile floors

Checkered marble tile floors

Jean Stoffer设计的这间客厅取得了休闲和精致之间的完美平衡。制造商已经用深灰色和白色大理石广场制作了这块地板。这种外观与众不同,会为任何客厅带来生动的风格感。

Porcelain wood look tiles

Porcelain wood look tiles
Simple Steps

Manufacturers crafted this porcelain tile floor to look like wood laid in a herringbone pattern. The light wood look is modern in style and works well with the neutral color tones throughout the space. Even though the wood is not real, the pattern provides a warm texture that provides interest in the room.


Menendez Architects PC


Luxury vinyl tiles

Luxury vinyl tiles

This luxury vinyl tile has a parquet wood look. This tile is more long-lasting than less expensive vinyl tiles. These tiles are water resistant and durable so they work well in high traffic areas like living rooms. These tiles come in square tiles, pre-glued strips, and planks.


Horizon Italian Tile



Horizon Italian Tile

This living room from Horizon Italian Tile features a porcelain tile with a variegated color. It mimics the look of natural stone. This tile works in the spacious room by creating a varied texture.


Sognando Casa

Technology is amazing when you consider the look of this ceramic tile floor. While in normal circumstances ceramic tile floors have a cool and sleek appearance, this ceramic floor mimics the appearance of hardwood floors. It looks warm and textured accentuating the cozy style of the room.

White marble floor

White marble floor
Sognando Casa





Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)FAQ


The most popular color tiles for a living room are neutral colors like beige, ivory, and gray. These complement most design styles and work with complementing color tones for accenting pieces.


Weighing all the options between cost, durability, and style, porcelain tiles is the best option for living room floors. Porcelain is cost effective and can be created to look like stone, marble, and wood. Further, this is a very hard tile that is long lasting and water resistant. The next best option is ceramic tile. This is less expensive than porcelain tile. While it is not as long-lasting as porcelain, it is still durable.

Are tiles too cold in the living room?

Tile floors are cool to the touch. Therefore, they work better in warmer areas like beach properties and locations closer to the equator. A few ways to add warmth to tile floors is a rug, insulation, and an underlayment of some type to warm the floors.


White walls look perfect with this color floor. If white is too bright for you, try a off-white like ivory. Also, varying shades of warm gray would look perfect with beige floors.

Are tiles good for living rooms?

Tiles work very well for living room floors in some cases. Some of these situations are places that have constant foot traffic and where there is sediment tracked inside. Tiles are also appropriate in warm climate locations.


There are so many varieties of tile that you can be very choosy about the type, price, and style tile that you need. Consider the durability of the tile you need. Also, consider the style of the tile which will determine the look of the room.

How much is it to tile the living room floor?

Depending on if you install the tiles or if you hire someone, the price will vary. If you hire someone you will pay around $15-$20 per hour for installing the tiles and materials. If you are going to purchase and install the tile yourself, the price will vary according to the type of tile you choose. Ceramic tiles are one of the least expensive options and you can get these beginning at less than $1 per square foot. The most expensive floor tiles are natural stone like marble and custom mosaic tile options.


