
I’m sure you’ve had this issue before where you empty a bottle and you’re not sure whether to keep it or throw it away. There’s always something useful or cool that you can do with empty bottles but these ideas don’t usually come to mind when you need them. Well, next time you’re faced with this dilemma, just remember some of these wonderful projects. They involvepainting bottlesand reusing them to make all sorts of lovely and interesting things.

油漆的瓶子 在画廊中查看

酒瓶有各种各样的有趣的和unusual shapes and it’s fun to collect them even if you’d have a way to repurpose them immediately. It’s great to have a few of them around when a cool idea strikes, like turning bottles into gourds for example. This is a really cute and easy project that would be perfect for fall or Halloween. Just take some bottles, paint them orange and wrap some twine around their necks so they look like gourds or pumpkins. Check outsadieseasongoodsfor details.

床头柜花瓶 在画廊中查看

Perhaps the simplest idea of all would be turn an empty glass bottle into a vase. You can do that without changing anything about the bottle although that wouldn’t really look that great or special. So take a bit of time to paint the bottle and consider adding a few details to it as well. For instance you could just use a permanent marker to draw a pattern onto the vase once the paint is dry. Head over to几乎是makesperfectfor more details and ideas.

Wine bottles feature 在画廊中查看


DIY喷漆花瓶 在画廊中查看


DIY油漆瓶 在画廊中查看

您可以尝试其他技术。您可以取一些丙烯酸涂料并将其倒入瓶子中,然后慢慢旋转并移动到瓶子的整个内部,直到瓶装涂有油漆。将瓶子倒置,以便如果需要,多余的油漆会排出。这是一个非常重要的想法,如果您计划用作装饰品的一些凉爽或旧瓶子。您可以在此上找到有关此的更多详细信息bywilmaif needed.

花瓶装饰中的孔雀羽毛 在画廊中查看

Painting a bottle can only be the first step of a project. It’s a great way to create a good base for a more detailed and intricate design. For example, once the bottles is painted and the paint has dried, you can decorate it with various different things like some rhinestone lace for instance. You can also use things like twine or regular lace so try to think outside the box when coming up with an idea for the final design. If you’d like some inspiration, head over toCreativekhadija

黑色瓶子 在画廊中查看

我们也非常喜欢使用黑板喷漆来改造玻璃瓶的想法。这为他们提供了非常漂亮的哑光效果,也意味着您可以使用粉笔在瓶子上写东西。这是一种改造瓶子,将它们变成时尚花瓶或只是将它们显示为房屋周围的装饰品的一种非常简单而酷的方式。查看Lovemydiybeplay平台没信用homefor more details about this technique.

Flower vase out of plastic bottle 在画廊中查看

Glass bottles aren’t the only ones that can be used for these sorts of projects. You could also repurpose plastic bottles into vases and it would be just as easy. They too come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes and can look really interesting when repurposed. You can use a regular craft knife or scissors to cut off the top section of the bottle and you can put some tape around the rim so it’s nice and smooth. You can find a more detailed tutorial ontheseamanmom

独角兽吐口酒瓶 在画廊中查看


DIY汞玻璃 在画廊中查看

Another cool technique involves creating a look similar to mercury glass and giving bottle a sort of antiqued, mirror-like finish. It’s actually really easy and the secret is using mirror spray paint. You apply it just like regular spray paint on your bottle and then leave it to dry. If you want that antique and weathered look you can use a bit of sandpaper to make the finish look less perfect in places. Everything is described onAhousefullofsunshine

波西米亚葡萄酒瓶花瓶 在画廊中查看


DIYPainted mini bottles 在画廊中查看


Painted glass bottles 在画廊中查看


Whiskey bottle lamp 在画廊中查看

There are many different uses for a painted glass bottle once you’re done decorating it. The most common option would of course be to use it as a vase but there are also a few other more unusual and very interesting ideas that you can try. For example you could turn a bottle into a stylish and unique base for a table lamp. It’s actually easier than you’re probably imagining and you can find all the details on1dogwoof如果您有兴趣。
