Fun And Easy Pumpkin Painting Designs – No Carving Needed

One of the most fun activities every Halloween is pumpkin carving and there are a lot of cool ideas to try but if you’d rather keep your beautiful pumpkins intact you couldchoose to paint them instead

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This is actually a great idea and a fun way to decorate and customize the pumpkins without doing anycarving

我知道我一定会尝试独特的pumpkin designthis year, so let’s check out some ideas in case you’re feeling inspired too.

最好的绘画Design Ideas For A Fantastic Looking Pumpkin

1. Pumpkin Drip Painting

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One idea comes fromHillcitybride并建议使用油漆滴技术。您要服用南瓜,将胶带包裹在茎上,然后用一种纯色喷涂整个南瓜。如果您喜欢它的自然色,也可以留下它。然后,您取一些丙烯酸涂料,然后倒在顶部,就在茎附近,然后让它滴落。您可以将更多颜色分层以创建大理石效果。


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If you’re a Pokemon fan or if you just think Pikachu looks cute, check out this fun pumpkin painting idea from幸福感beplay平台没信用。对于Pikachu南瓜,您还需要一些黄色的纸,以便耳朵和尾巴,对于Pokeball One,您只需要油漆和一些胶带。

3. Paint A Matte Black Base

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如果您首先将南瓜垫子涂成黑色,那么您在上面绘制的任何东西基本上都会看起来很酷,戏剧性,甚至是花朵或可爱的面孔。查看doodlecraftblog有关一些有关的想法一些设计you can create using this technique.

4. Cool and Simple Rainbow Pumpkins

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You don’t have to choose an intricate design or a very complicated pattern in order to make your painted pumpkin look cool and beautiful. In fact, some of the most beautiful designs are very simple, like the ones featured ontellloveandparty。These rainbow pumpkins are adorable and they’re easy to paint too.

5. Glittery Space Style

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Another idea that’s super cool and inspiring is to paint starts and galaxies on your pumpkin. It’s not as easy as making a rainbow pumpkin, but if you can pull this off, it’s definitely worth the effort. Here what you’re going to need: black acrylic paint, white acrylic paint, glitter, nail polish in different colors, stars, small fake diamonds, brushes, sponges, and decoupage glue. Find out the details on42条

6. Flowery Fun

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您不必是一位才华横溢的艺术家就可以画一只南瓜并使其看起来很漂亮。只需发挥您的优势。鲜花几乎是任何人都可以以令人满意的方式画或绘画的东西,那么以秋季主题的外观的花卉南瓜怎么样?那就是什么lindseycrafterblogprescribes for thisHalloween

7. Use The Shaking Paint Technique

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9. Rainbow Crayon Melt Pumpkins

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Since the万圣节乐趣从日落开始后,我们认为您会喜欢我们发现的这些黑暗中的南瓜lovetocreateblog。You can paint them using the technique you want. The only mandatory thing is to use glow-in-the-dark paint. You can paint geometric patterns, polka dots, pretty flowers, or spooky faces…basically whatever you think would look cool.

11. Stencil Animal Patterns Onto Your Pumpkin

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You can also have a lot of fun painting pumpkins if you use cardboard stencils to create silhouettes over your already painted, patterned pumpkin. First, you can paint some polka dots on your pumpkin, let the paint dry and then you can cut out a cardboard stencil and paint a cute silhouette using paint in a different color. Check out how great these dinosaur pumpkins featured onrachelmarpeacelook.


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Paint-dipped pumpkins can look super cool, especially if you use neon colors. The technique is very simple. First, you spray paint the entire pumpkin white (or not, if you like its natural look), then you flip it upside down (you can rest it on a jar, a vase, or pretty much any container, and you put a nice layer of neon paint on its bottom, letting it drip over the sides. When the paint is dry you’ll have your pumpkin ornaments. You can find more details about this onanightowlblog


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A simple pumpkin can look pretty and stylish too. You can paint one in a teal or turquoise color and display it on your porch next to some other Halloween ornaments. Sure, you could put some stickers on or paint an interesting pattern on the pumpkin but we really like the simplicity of this design so perhaps you will too. The inspiration for this project comes from实际上是功能

15. Create Patterned Pumpkins With Stencils

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16. Gorgeous Nail Polish Dip

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我们今天还想与您分享另一个很酷的主意。它涉及指甲油,该技术很容易有趣。您拿一个碗(一个可支配的碗是最好的),然后用温水加水。然后,您将几种颜色的指甲油倒入中,用棍棒旋转一点,然后将小南瓜浸入彩色水中,然后让它们休息,使指甲油可以干燥。我们发现了这种描述的技术sayyesand we immediately fell in love with the idea.


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微型南瓜在DIY项目中非常有趣,而且这些看起来绝对可爱。他们变成了小照片持有人,也可以用作位置持有人。他们有一个教程clubcraftedand in case you want to make something here’s what you’re going to need: mini faux pumpkins, acrylic paint in different colors, paintbrushes for each color, thick gold wire, wire cutters, and round nose pliers.

18. Embrace Metallic Paint

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If you want to decorate a pumpkin in a way that’s simple but also chic and stylish, the idea suggested onsustainmycrafthabitwould be perfect. This project starts with a white工艺南瓜。This one is quite large but you can use a smaller one instead of you prefer it. All you need to do is use a fine tip paintbrush and some acrylic matte metallic gold paint to add a few leaves in various places.

19. Create A Disco Pumpkin

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In case it’s not immediately apparent, this is a disco ball pumpkin. The design is not particularly difficult and you don’t need a lot of supplies to get this done, just this black paint, silver glitter paint, thin washi tape, and of course a faux pumpkin. You can have fun experimenting with all sorts of other patterns and designs while you’re at it. Check out the tutorial onclubcrafted

20. Mini Painted Pumpkin Combination

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21. Eye Catching Plaid Paint Design

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Aren’t these pumpkins looking super fun and cheerful? The vibrant colors really pop and the gingham pattern goes really well with the design as a whole. To recreate this look, start with a faux pumpkin and paint it white. Then use two tones of acrylic paint and a bunch of painter’s tape to create the pattern by following the instructions provided onclubcrafted。在此之后,可以乐趣混合并匹配更多的颜色,并制作更多南瓜。

22. Pumpkins Goemetric Style

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Speaking of patterns and pumpkins, it’s not just the classic ones that can look good. A nice idea can be to come up with your own geometric pattern and to create custom designs for your decorative pumpkins using acrylic craft paints and tape if needed. You can find a few inspiring ideas onakailochiclifeif you’re interested.

23. Unique Terrazzo Pumpkin

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24. Chic Neutral Pumpkins

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This design is a bit similar to something we mentioned before but what we really like in this particular case is the choice of colors. They’re very simple and neutral and they don’t stand out which puts more emphasis on the actual pattern and the pumpkin itself. Of course, you can choose to use a different color palette instead. Regardless, all you need to know about this project can be found ontheredpaintedcottage


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26. Frozen Themed Pumpkin

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有一个人痴迷于迪斯尼吗movie Frozen? Then they will absolutely love making this Elsa Pumpkin as outlined in南瓜和公主。Start with a faux white pumpkin, and spray paint it with glittery blue spray paint. Then you can let your child glue gems and cute snowflakes to the surface. Alternatively, you can also use snowflake stencils and silver paint to make the glittery snowflake designs.


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当然,并非所有孩子都被冻结了,但是这个想法是Delicious By Dre,绘制孩子最喜欢的超级英雄徽标是另一种出色的南瓜设计。对于此项目,您可以选择使用人造或真正的南瓜。请记住,当您的孩子在本赛季结束时腐烂时,可能很难与他们的超级英雄南瓜分开。


28. Unique Pineapple Pumpkin

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也许您已经拿起了那些烦人和瘦的南瓜之一,这些南瓜并不总是适用于此列表中的许多其他南瓜设计。好吧,这是一个为独特南瓜的设计理念 - 将其菠萝搭配!您只需要一些黄色的油漆,卡片纸,胶水和一些太阳镜,就可以开展业务!您可以找到完整的说明Studio DIY


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This adorable pumpkin design by心脏地带手工制作will look perfect on your front porch or even asa centerpiece for the dinner table。Just be aware that it does involve some engraving skill, which may not be the best idea for smaller children. In this example, orange glitter paint is used, but you can use any color of glitter you desire. You can also consider changing the base color of the pumpkin so both colors will seamlessly match the décor of your home!

30. In-Style Ombre Pumpkin

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Ombre paint schemes are all the rage, so why not design your pumpkin with one? This project featured inSarah Hearts, is simple to make and can be done on real or faux pumpkins depending on your preference. If you decide to use a real pumpkin, you’ll need to paint it white before you start. Then you will just need three different colors of paint in similar shades to create the ombre look!

31. Finger Painted Pumpkin

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This is the perfect simple pumpkin painting project for young children, and it is much easier than actuallycarving the pumpkin有一个小孩在屋子里。您只需要一个南瓜,手指在孩子最喜欢的颜色中涂上涂料。您可以在Young House Love并首先将胶带放在南瓜上,然后在孩子完成绘画时将其剥去,以留下凉爽的设计或传统的南瓜脸。


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黑白搭配在一起总是在房间里看起来优雅,因此没有理由不将这些颜色放在您的南瓜上!您可以做一个简单的图案,也可以发疯,并进行其中一种有趣的南瓜设计。Country Living。而且不要害怕扭转该项目,画你的南瓜all black with a white design!


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If you liked the watercolor design idea above but wanted to make a classier design, check out this painted pumpkin byNest of Posies。您将使用水彩绘画步骤首先将南瓜涂成纯色,然后您将胶水和闪光闪闪发光 - 如果茎!不过,在您的房子里闪闪发光可能会很麻烦,因此不要害怕为茎上尝试闪光喷漆!


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This is the perfect pumpkin paint design project if you don’t want to waste time painting the base—because the orange of the pumpkin will work great as is! You will need to acquire some white, black, and red acrylic paints, and a picture like this one on教育工厂为您或您的孩子复制!这个项目非常容易,您将立即在门廊上微笑着一个大型南瓜家庭。


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These adorable painted pumpkins byStudio DIYare a spectacular way to add a little humor to your porch! You’ll have people laughing as they come to visit your porch all evening long. You’ll start this project by painting your pumpkin all one color, note that pastels work best and after you can use a letter stencil and some black paint to add your desired phrase to your pumpkin. Just don’t forget to check your spelling before you start!


Whether you dip, glitter paint, or watercolor yourpumpkin design今年,您肯定会有一个项目在这个万圣节结束时不想参加!并取决于您选择的项目的主题;您可以创建南瓜,这些南瓜肯定会在秋季持续的时间内为您的房屋的每个角落增添趣味。beplay平台没信用
