15 Reasons You Need A Farmhouse Kitchen Table

Yes, we knowthat farmhouse style现在很大。如今,无论您尝试多么努力,您都无法摆脱白色的白色油漆和质朴的木质口音。但是,无论您是完全加入农舍火车还是更多现代装饰师,都有一个农舍装饰元素无论您的风格如何,都可以在任何地方使用。

Farmhouse Kitchen Table

Namely, thefarmhouse kitchen table。每个人都需要一张好的厨房桌子,用于聚会,项目,烹饪,甚至只有早餐。因此,当您查找时,您需要以下15个理由farmhouse kitchen table在你的生活中。

How A Farmhouse Kitchen Table Can Transform Your Home


木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看

Farmhouse kitchen tables don’t have to be chippy and rough. A nice simple table, sanded and stained smooth as honey, can be just the gathering place your kitchen needed.


农舍厨房桌子重木 在画廊中查看

When you have kids living in the house, choosing furniture that can handle the rough and tumble is necessary. Farmhouse tables are often heavy and always well built. So when you find your child dancing on the tabletop, you don’t have to worry about collapse.

3. Farmhouse Tables Don’t Have To Be Expensive

木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看


4. A Farmhouse Table With X Legs Provides Extra Space

木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看

Do you often cram a lot of people around your kitchen table? You need a farmhouse table with x legs. With the legs out of the way, you can easily slide more chairs up to the tabletop or even a bench to fit everyone comfortably.

5. Farmhouse Tables Come In All Types Of Wood

木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看



木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看



木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看

Just because a farmhouse table is a little rough around the edges doesn’t mean it’s unusable. Cover that circle gem in a coat of creamy paint and you’ll have the perfect farmhouse table fix that everyone will be pining for.

8. You Can Build A Farmhouse Table Yourself

木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看

Speaking of elbow grease, if a farmhouse kitchen table is rather out of your budget, consider自己构建。When you have the woodworking skills, just find a plan that suits your space and your style and you can have a beautiful heavy kitchen table in a weekend.

9. You Can Restain An Old Farmhouse Table

木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看


10. Farmhouse Tables Can Be Found In A Variety Of Styles

木材简单的农舍餐桌 在画廊中查看

在最佳情况下,您的装饰预算中有一些房间,可以获得完美的厨房桌子。购物时,寻找主轴腿,宽阔的木板和叶子。这些看似微不足道的元素将使您farmhouse kitchen table闪耀。

11. You Can Use Any Seating You Want With A Farmhouse Table

您可以在农舍桌子上使用任何想要的座位 在画廊中查看

购买农舍桌子或任何桌子的桌子已经足够昂贵。更不用说您现在也必须购买椅子才能四处走动!很酷的事情是,因为农舍桌本质上是如此简单,因此您通常可以将任何形式的座位与它们配对。您还可以将您已经可以负担得起的几个新椅子与已经有的座椅混合在一起。您可以在Fermontatlisiwhere inexpensive wicker chairs are placed around a farmhouse table along with some more simple green chairs that were probably repurposed from another set.

12. Some Farmhouse Tables Are Extendable

一些农舍桌子可扩展 在画廊中查看

One of the main reasons you are probably looking at a farmhouse table is because you have a large family. However, the small space in your kitchen can also be hindering you from purchasing that extra-large farmhouse table that you know you need for holidays. This problem isn’t new, and there are manyfarmhouse tables out there that are extendable并在内部包含木制的“叶子”,可以将其添加到桌子上,以方便扩展。只要看看这个农舍的桌子侵入设计,桌子上的抽屉包含添加额外座位的叶子,最多可容纳四个人。


您可以为您的农舍餐桌建造或购买公司董事会 在画廊中查看

一个有一两片叶子来帮助它扩展的农舍桌子的问题是,经常剩下的线可以捕获食物。不仅如此,这些桌子在下面需要大量的硬件才能扩展 - 可以占用您可能需要的宝贵腿部空间。Delish通过提供公司董事会或补充来解决此问题that you can buildto add to the end of a table when company comes over. For those who are especially handy with a saw, it is also easy to design company boards for a farmhouse table you already have.


Farmhouse Tables Can Fit With Any Décor 在画廊中查看

Many people hold back on getting a farmhouse table for their home because they are afraid it won’t fit with their décor and they don’t want that country农舍风格。但事实是,农舍桌子可以适合任何装饰!无论您想要质朴的东西,还是更现代的东西,农舍桌子都可以通过更改座位来完成。不相信吗?在这张更现代的农舍桌子上查看Sherri Cassara设计with minimalistic seating.


可以在内部或外部使用农舍桌子 在画廊中查看

It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a table for the interior of your home or your back porch, a farmhouse table can fit into either place. And when it comes time to upgrade your farmhouse kitchen table, instead of throwing it away, consider placing it on your back porch instead. Farmhouse tables are rugged enough to withstand weather, while also making an amazing place to enjoy that summer evening meal, just look how great a farmhouse table looks on this back porch in我一百年的房子beplay平台没信用

无论您的家人大小都很小,喜欢娱乐,还是喜欢一个人吃饭,farmhouse kitchen table是给你的。尽管它很简单,足总rmhouse table can work for you in any style of home during any season of the year and can be transformed and expanded as your family is. So when it is time to go shopping for your next table, don’t forget to check out and possibly purchase a farmhouse table!
