How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

如果您是房主,就有机会beplay平台没信用you’ll need to replace some drywall在某一点。墙很简单,但是呢天花板板岩?如果您发现自己需要替换天花板板岩,则可能会发现以下分步教程有所帮助。此特定实例也涉及阁楼接入点,可能适用也可能不适用于您的情况。

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock
How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

原始访问点不仅丑陋, it was dangerous as well. That will be included in this ceiling sheetrock replacement.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

To begin repairing the ceiling sheetrock, you’ll need to remove everything that will be replaced. This includes the attic access trim. Before you go any further, you’ll need to go up into the attic and remove any insulation from the sheetrock area to be replaced. If you don’t do this, you’ll have an even bigger mess, as all the insulation will fall down when you remove the entire sheetrock section.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

After the insulation in the attic has been taken care of (we just tossed ours to the sides so it could easily be brought back over the new sheetrock after replacement), it’s time to figure out just exactly where you’ll be replacing the ceiling sheetrock. Anytimeyou replace drywall,在干墙损坏后,您需要切割到下一个托梁(或在墙壁的情况下,在墙壁的情况下),但不超过一英寸。

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

Use a box cutter to cut along the center point of the joist. This will allow you to use drywall screws to secure the newly cut edge of the original sheetrock, if necessary, as well as provide a secure spot to screw the new sheetrock to.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

If applicable, you’ll also want to score (or cut, if it’s in the center of a large piece of sheetrock) along any corners with a box cutter to keep the paint from peeling off the wall as you remove the ceiling sheetrock.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

请注意,这个得分的边缘的外观更干净than the large patches of paint that ripped off with the original ceiling’s cave-in.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

在这里,天花板的板岩已被删除。Although the hole was just a little more than a foot in diameter, the sheetrock to be replaced is a 3’x4’ rectangle, based upon the most logical replacement areas. In this space, measure and mark the positions of any fixtures that you will need to cut holes for in the new sheetrock piece.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

Measure, mark, and cut with a box cutter the new sheetrock piece.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

用干墙锯切出孔。You may find it useful to drill a hole in a corner of your fixture marking, so you have a place for the saw to start.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

Dry-fit the sheetrock onto the ceiling, make any adjustments you need, then use 1-1/4” drywall screws to attach it to the joists. Take care not to screw down too hard; you want the ends of the original sheetrock and the new sheetrock to align horizontally (e.g., match in flatness). This will make for a much more seamless transition when it comes time to mud and tape the ceiling drywall.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

在上面使用kreg撕裂剪切附件your circular saw要将1/2英寸的胶合板板切成尺寸,以便您的阁楼进入,请注意饰边的各个侧面的1英寸悬垂物,以便胶合板足够大,可以放在那个悬垂物上。

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

一方面,这项工作很快就会与专业人士一起完成。Any wall peeled paint or other damage will get taken care of, and the wall will be restored to its original state.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

And a professional drywaller will get the new ceiling texture to match the original texture much better than the average DIYer. Although it probably won’t be precisely the same, it’ll be pretty close. With another coat of ceiling paint on that old texture, I think the transition will be pretty smooth.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock


How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

After priming and painting the ceiling and walls and letting them dry, it was easy to reinstall a new light and smoke detector.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

Hard to believe that a few short days ago, we had a gaping hole in our ceiling right here. The new ceiling sheetrock looks like it’s been there forever.

How to Replace Ceiling Sheetrock

We hope you find this tutorial helpful for how to replace ceiling sheetrock. Good luck with your efforts, and, as always, use care and good judgement in your DIY building adventures. Safety first.
