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与桌面露台加热器You’ll Never Want to Come Inside

您的户外生活空间全年应该是一个舒适的环境。低温会抑制户外享受,使您的客人在室内刺痛。与桌面露台加热器you’ll never want to come inside.


这small heater safeguards against cold weather, providing you and your guests with a warm outdoor atmosphere.

较小版本的全尺寸户外露台加热器,就像在酒吧和餐馆,可用。就像他们让顾客舒适的外面一样,他们的较小对手也是家庭露台,甲板和花园的理想选择。beplay平台没信用这小桌露台加热器are convenient and easy to use.


Gel fuel tabletop patio heatersare ideal for providing ambiance rather than warmth. These special heaters use tin cans filled with alcohol gel, isopropyl alcohol, water, and other flammable substances.


为您的房屋选择桌面露台加热器时的主要考虑因素包括beplay平台没信用space and style




如何选择桌面加热器 在画廊中查看







Consider the propane burner height. Make sure it has a reflector or mushroom shape as they affect heating levels. Electric radiation heaters pass similar standards applied to electric fires.

10,000 BTU的加热器等于2.9kWh,大多数电动桌面型号的型号大约有1,500瓦的加热器。这并不意味着气体模型会产生两倍的热量,而是表明能耗更高。







  • Gas-powered heaters should have a safety valve so you can turn off the fuel when the situation calls for it.
  • Those of you that want electric heaters need to make sure that the cable is long enough to be securely concealed.
  • 无数的丙烷加热器允许添加an additional hose for connection to a larger propane tank; simply ensure that the base is solid enough to accommodate a longer line.
  • 围绕气体燃烧器或红外加热元件的其他保护措施有助于远离手。
  • Make sure the patio heater’s base is made in such a manner that it does not become excessively hot; you do not want it to sear the surface of your table.
  • 某些桌面加热器,尤其是成本较低的类型,可能是由较少的材料制成的,这可能导致这一点。


Consider the area in which you live before selecting a tabletop patio heater. Weathered or more humid areas will need durable material, such as stainless steel, in its construction. Aluminum or steel is typically sufficient in inland and drier regions.


If you must leave the tabletop patio heater outdoors, place it on a firm surface and keep it protected from the weather with a decent cover. Painted models require enamel, heavy-duty coating to guarantee longer-lasting performance.




What Are the Different Types of Tabletop Patio Heaters?

What Are the Different Types of Patio Heaters 在画廊中查看

Patio table heaters are typically divided into五个主要类别,如下所示。




桌面露台加热器通常比传统加热器小通常连接到露台桌子上。它们有丙烷和电versions and have the advantage of portability but are often less powerful, making them ideal for smaller groups.

Space heaters



这majority of tower-style patio heaters are between six and eight feet tall, with the heat source positioned at the tower’s top, center, or bottom. These patio heaters, which are available in propane or electric models, can warm an area up to five to ten feet in diameter, making them an excellent choice for yards and bigger patios.

Mounted heaters



哪个是更好的天然气或电桌露台加热器? 在画廊中查看


丙烷通常会产生更多的热量和有一个更大的coverage area than electric tabletop heaters. Although electric models produce a more direct heat, similar to that of sunlight—be careful not to come too close for an extended period of time, as they can burn. For the environmentally conscious, infrared’s efficiency produces less emissions than propane heat and is even acceptable for indoor use.


A BTU is an abbreviation for British Thermal Unit, and you’ll frequently see it when comparing patio heaters. A BTU is a standardized unit of heat measurement. BTUs refer to the quantity of heat that a heater can produce. When choosing a patio heater, a higher BTU rating indicates a larger heat output.

That is not to say that you should choose the patio heater with the maximum BTU output. If you have a tiny patio, you do not require a heater capable of heating 2,000 square feet. Choose a patio heater that is the correct size for your outside space by striking a balance between space and power.


  • 要加热约100至150平方英尺的空间,您需要大约5,000 btus。
  • 对于450至550平方英尺的面积,您需要大约12,000 btus。
  • 该尺寸在1,000至1,200平方英尺之间的露台需要21,000 BTU的热量输出的加热器。
  • 您将需要大约34,000个tus的露台2,000至2,500平方英尺。

Top Tabletop Patio Heater For Your Patio

9,500 BTU Propane Tabletop Patio Heater

9,500 BTU Propane Tabletop Patio Heater 在画廊中查看

这attractive design of this来自AZ露台加热器的9,500 BTU丙烷桌顶露台加热器is a very stylish addition to your outdoor space as well as a very functional heater. The stainless steel heater incorporates a thermocouple anti-tilt device for added safety in case it tips over.

加热器从其玻璃管发出9,500 btus的热量,非常适合将直径为四英尺的加热范围的小型座位加热。据卖方称,其设计足够安全,可以在筛选的门廊内使用。隐藏丙烷罐是金字塔形状,使加热器是露营的理想之选。

这款桌面露台加热器具有防火和防锈性,具有飞行员轻型和多扬声器点火器。热量水平是可调节的,可以在一个丙烷罐上高达两到三个小时。确实如此notcome with an adapter for a traditional propane tank to be attached. AZ Patio Heaters’ Propane Tabletop Patio Heater is covered by a one-year limited warranty.


11,000丙烷桌露台加热器 在画廊中查看


与pilot light and knobs for adjusting the heat, you’ll be able to sit outdoors comfortably in cooler weather, perhaps even into the winter depending on your climate. An unspecified warranty covers assembly. Happy Happy reviewers say that it works great, puts out a nice amount of heat, and is perfect for a table in a screened porch.

11,000 BTU丙烷桌露台加热器

11,000 BTU丙烷桌露台加热器 在画廊中查看

Contemporary design and multiple finishes make theSUNHEAT International 11,000 BTU Propane Tabletop Patio Heater您的露台或甲板非常时尚。玻璃管包含可变火焰。


Weather- and rust-resistant, the heater keeps you and your friends toasty when the thermometer drops with its heat range diameter of five feet. Plus, the portability means that you can take it to the beach, the woods, the lake — or even tailgating — for some added warmth.

如果携带对您不重要,则可以将加热器转换为在天然气上运行。Sunheat Propane桌面露台加热器对零件和劳动的一年有限保修覆盖。

Round 11,000 BTU Propane Tabletop Patio Heater

Round 11,000 BTU Propane Tabletop Patio Heater 在画廊中查看

这unique round design of this11,000 BTU丙烷桌露台加热器is different from SUNHEAT’soriginal square silhouette but is no less stylish and works with any style of patio decor. Featuring a variable and decorative flame, the heater looks as attractive as it is functional.

Its five-foot heat range diameter will keep the whole family comfortable in the evenings and on cooler days in the spring and autumn — or even winter. In fact, the 11,000 BTUs it puts out will keep you warm for up to three hours on the high setting using a single one-pound propane tank.


Wave Gel Fuel Tabletop Fireplace

Wave Gel Fuel Tabletop Fireplace 在画廊中查看

For organic ambiance and some heat that you can use just about anywhere, theTerra Flame Wave凝胶燃料桌面壁炉是理想的。这是一个紧凑的尺寸,可以帮助您随时放松和放松。一个经典的手工铸造混凝土碗,由装满石头的天然材料制成。

At the center is a canister of gel fuel that burns clean and odor-free. You can use this type of fuel indoors as well as outdoor, so feel free to move the bowl indoors when you’re finished being outdoors. In the off-season, the wave gel tabletop fireplace is perfect for cozy ambiance indoors, especially if you don’t have a fireplace.

这golden 7-inch smoke-free flame that the Wave Fire Bowl holds puts out 3,000 BTUs of heat and is environmentally friendly. It comes with three Gel Fuel canisters, which burn for approximately 2.5 hours each. When you’re finished, simply put the lid back on to snuff out the flame. Replacements are readily available.


拿破仑桌露台加热器11000 BTU丙烷,不锈钢

Napoleon Tabletop Patio Heater 11000 BTU Propane 在画廊中查看

让整个家庭与拿破仑桌露台加热器11000 BTU丙烷中不锈钢。每个季节,最多可享受11,000个BTU和七英尺的热半径,您可以享受更多的户外空间。不锈钢结构意味着其光滑的设计不会生锈,并且会持续多年。实际上,快乐的买家说,他们将其从冬季存储中拉出,并用电子按钮点火器向上开火。



硬脑膜热量360度即时辐射 在画廊中查看

For a great amount of heat, the硬脑膜热360度即时辐射双罐室内室外丙烷加热器是真正的赢家,因为它适合在室外和室内使用。在室内,您可以使用此方便的桌面露台加热器加热全季房,车间或车库。它也可以作为紧急热源有用。在户外,它会在寒冷的天气下使您保持烘烤,因为它提供了360°的即时辐射,红外热量,最高可达25,000 btus。为了供户外使用,可以将一磅丙烷罐与20磅重的储罐连接。


Mr. Heater MH12B Hunting Buddy Portable Space Heater

Mr. Heater MH12B Hunting Buddy Portable Space Heater 在画廊中查看

Among the most popular portable propane heaters, theMr. Heater MH12B Hunting Buddy Portable Space Heater非常适合室外和室内。它具有专利的辐射加热系统,可将6,000-12,000 btus放出,以使您保持温暖,无论您是与朋友一起在甲板上,在树林里露营还是在那些清脆的秋季日子里tail缩。狩猎伙伴桌面露台加热器使用一磅重的丙烷罐,并为封闭的空间(例如机舱)提供足够的热量,最多300平方英尺。



富豪的火焰雅芳无风口室内室外火坑桌面 在画廊中查看

A new alternative fuel for tabletop patio heaters and firepits is bioethanol, which is what the very stylishRegal Flame Avon Ventless Indoor Outdoor Fire Pit/Tabletop用途。它是无通风孔和可移植性设计允许室内或室外使用的。当玻璃设计提供360度视图时,富豪的火焰原木和鹅卵石可增强火焰。该设计是别致的,但也散发出3,900 btus的热量,使房间的房间为400平方英尺。


Table Top Heater FAQ

How Long Does a Propane Tank Last in a Table Top Heater?








Are Electric Patio Heaters Effective?

Electric patio heaters are energy-efficient. They convert up to 98 percent of their energy into heat through a process called radiant heat transfer.


Table Top Heater: Conclusion

Whether you’re after high style, premium ambiance or higher heat functionality, there’s a tabletop patio heater that will fit your needs. After you find one that fits your needs, check the specifications, and get set to enjoy the outdoors even more.
