Different Types Of Roof Shingles You Can Choose To Replace On Your Home

The integrity of your roof is important for a number of different reasons. Without a solid roof, rain and snow can infiltrate your home, causing damage to a level where repairs are too expensive to even consider.


当您选择时正确的类型的屋顶瓦, you are making a solid investment in your home and, in the spirit of keeping you informed, we’re going to study the topic in-depth and tell you everything you need to know aboutroof shingles

Types of Shingles

考虑到很多different types to choose from。In the upcoming paragraphs, we are going to talk about the most common types, so that you know exactly what to expect when choosing any of the following.



These is basically atype of roofing这将沥青用于防水目的。由于它很容易安装,并且不需要大量的前期投资,因此它是北美最广泛使用的屋面选择之一。沥青带有三种不同类型的沥青瓦:建筑样式沥青瓦,玻璃纤维沥青和3-tab沥青。

The latter category is the cheapest, but their long-term durability is questionable, since they tend to wear out faster because they come with an organic-mat paper base. On average, it will cost you about $4,286 to $6,429 to replace a 3-tab asphalt shingle roof on a single story 1,800 sq. ft. home.

Architectural shingle roofs are the most durable out of all the three aforementioned options. They cost around $1.50 to $5.50 per square foot but they are available in luxurious styles for those looking to spruce up the exterior of their homes. Due to their solid construction, they can last even more than 50 years when properly cared for.

Metal roof shingles

Metal roof shingles View in gallery

Another common option because they are relatively easy to install. One of the reasons why some people prefer these is because they are lighter in weight, making them more suitable for homes that can’t support too much roof weight. With proper care, metal roof shingles can last up to 100 years, being one of the varieties with the longest lifespans out there.



木瓦 View in gallery


Wood shakes are mostly made from cedar wood and come from trees that can be up to 300 years of age. The name of this type of shingle comes from the fact that the logs are cut into sections which are referred to as “shakes”. These shakes will give your roof a rougher look. Wood shakes are typically more expensive compared to wood shingles. Both of these options are known for having a longer lifespan compared to asphalt shingles, but they are not very eco-friendly.

Clay and concrete shingles

This kind falls under a broader category called “tile roofing shingles”. They are amongst the most durable options on the market, but it’s really important for them to be properly installed. For instance, installing them on mortar beds can cause them to slip in about 10 years.


Rubber roof shingles

设计与沥青带状疱疹相似。他们也很容易安装,并在专业人士中打电话可能会使您每平方英尺$ 4.00至8.25美元之间的损失。它们不是市场上最耐用的选择,即使经过适当的护理,它们通常不会持续25年以上。安装成本还将取决于所选的橡胶膜。一些最负担得起的选择是由PVC和TPO制成的,而EPDM屋顶往往更昂贵。


太阳带状疱疹 View in gallery

这些是目前市场上可用的更现代的选择之一。正如您可能猜到的那样,他们不仅要保护房屋:它们还可以通过生产来帮助发电beplay平台没信用through solar light absorption。Installing them will usually cost around $21 to $25 per square foot.


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As mentioned before, asphalt roof shingles are widely spread across America and Canada as they are affordable solutions that are also easy to install. Asphalt roofing shingles can be divided into three main categories: strip, dimensional, and luxury, so let’s take a further look to understand what each of them is.

Strip shingles

Also goes by the name of “3-tab shingles” and, as mentioned before, they are the most basic type of asphalt shingles. They are constructed with a single layer of asphalt and very much resemble a slate because of their flat design. With their single-layer construction, they tend to be very inexpensive, but also pretty lightweight.

Before the 1980s, strip shingles were the most common choices on the market. Today, they are preferred by contractors that build inexpensive homes, but also offered as a solution for people who are looking to save some money when installing a new roof.






As you can imagine, installing shingles on a roof is going to depend on the type of shingles chosen. In some situations, it’s a good idea to call in a professional, especially if this isn’t the kind of thing you’ve done before. If you want to know how to install roof shingles, here is a simple 15-step tutorial that can guide you or at least give you a moderate idea on what to expect:

  • Planning ahead is an important part of installing a new roof. This includes everything from planning the layout of the shingles to making sure that you remove everything that could be in the way (from patio furniture to your car). You basically want to remove any valuables that could get damaged if something falls on them from a height.
  • You also want to make sure that you have all the materials needed nearby. If you block the shed door and some of your tools are trapped inside, it will cause nothing but frustrations, so make sure that you have a checklist with everything that you need before you get this project started.
  • 在开始工作之前,您还需要屋顶测量。确保每个屋顶部分的长度和宽度,将它们乘以计算区域,然后为每个部分添加区域。当您将给定数字除以100时,您将获得许多需要乘以三的正方形。这是您需要购买的捆绑包。
  • 在从事家庭装修项目时,安全非常重要,考虑到这次您必须在屋顶上爬上的事实,如果您不太小beplay平台没信用心,受伤的机会甚至会进一步增加。您需要拥有尽可能多的推荐安全设备:工作靴,工作帽子,保护性护目镜和手套,甚至是安全带。工具皮带可以在您的安全努力中走很长一段路,因为它限制了您必须四处走动并伸手去拿一些工具的次数。
  • To prepare the roof, you’re going to need to make sure there is a way to catch all the debris that might potentially fall off. That means a tarp should be laid on the ground surrounding the house.
  • 您可以使用铲子或屋顶叉开始卸下带状疱疹。金属闪烁也需要去除,但是您可以保持其状态良好的部分。
  • 给屋顶很好地扫除,并确保取下可能留下的任何碎屑或指甲。
  • 当您放置新的带状疱疹时,您想从屋顶的底部开始。使用一块粉笔,您可以追踪指南。
  • 您想使用起动木瓦以获得最佳防风。
  • 胶条应沿着屋檐,滴水边缘和耙子边缘放置。
  • When the shingles are in place, start nailing them down.
  • 安装新的带状疱疹时,您想将课程层面上的整理。您需要对指甲技术非常小心,因为您希望指甲保持下面的课程顶部边缘。
  • 遵循衬里图案将一个木瓦靠在下一个木中,始终将它们锤击到位。
  • 到达山脊后,您可以将木瓦在其上弯曲以使每一侧相等。不要忘记将其钉在适当的位置(您可以在每一侧使用一个钉子)。重复下一个带状疱疹的过程,直到山脊的远端。
  • 当您到达最后一个木瓦时,将其切成大小,确保不parts of the roofare left exposed.

How Long Does a Shingle Roof Last?


  • 铝制的屋顶木瓦持续三到七年。
  • Asphalt 3-tab shingle roofs should last about 20 years.
  • Asphalt architectural shingles have a lifespan of around 30 years.
  • Clay roofing shingles can last up to 100 years.
  • Same goes for concrete tile roofing.
  • Metal roofs have a lifespan between 40 and 80 years.
  • Slate stone tiles can last anywhere from 60 to 150 years.
  • The average lifespan of wooden shingles is around 25 years.



Aside from practicality, you’re most likely interested in having a roof that looks good. Some带状疱疹的类型are available in a wider range of colors, and that includes asphalt shingle roofing, architectural shingle roofing, metal roof shingles, and slate tile roofing shingles. A few rules you may want to keep in mind when choosing roof shingle colors are:

  • 红房子壁板最好与深绿色,深灰色和深褐色的屋顶一起使用。
  • Blue house siding is best paired with white, gray, brown, or black shingles.
  • 当房屋壁板与红色,蓝色,灰色,绿色,黑色和棕色的木瓦相处得很好。
  • You can blend multiple colors when it comes to roofing. For instance, you can mix shingles with a charcoal base with shades of brown and green to make it more appealing.
  • Roofing can be used to complement the architecture and setting of your home. For example, orange and rusty red shingles would look great on a house with Floridian flare, while white beach houses would look amazing with blue roofs.

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Metal roofing can be installed over shingles, and this is actually something that might bring forth a lot of benefits, including the fact that your roofing might last twice as long and the noise is reduced because of the extra roof layer. For those of you planning to install the metal roofing by yourself, here is what you need to know:

  • Make sure you check with your local building department to see if you are allowed to install metal roofing over shingles.
  • 每个屋顶都需要一个底层,如果要在带状疱疹上安装金属屋顶,则可以通过两种方式之一来进行。第一种方法是在带状疱疹上安装1 x 4 purins,这是两者中最昂贵但最佳方法。更便宜的替代方法是在现有的木瓦屋顶上施加批准的底层,但这不会导致安装金属屋顶的事件表面。
  • Fastener application is very important in this situation, so make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions by the book. Make sure all the right screws are in place and avoid using nails because screws tend to work much better in this situation.
  • 确保将螺钉彼此相距约24至30英寸。一些专家建议跳过其他肋骨,以防止在屋顶上制造更多的孔。
  • Trimming is an important part of making your roof look good. Wrap the edges with flashing not just for cosmetic reasons, but also to help protect against wind, rain, and snow.
  • Don’t rule out ice guards even if you have gutters installed.

NOTE: Before you proceed with this idea, keep in mind that the shingles that will remain underneath the metal roof can contract and expand in time, which can cause damage to your metal roofing. It might be a good idea to remove the shingles before installing a metal roof.


What are the longest-lasting roof shingles?

Slatestone Tile屋顶可持续长达150年,并进行适当的维护。其他一些长期的选择包括混凝土和粘土瓷砖屋顶,每个人都有一个世纪的寿命。




The best roofing shingles come from brands such as Atlas, CertainTeed, Owens Coming, Tamko, and GAF-Elk.

What is the difference between 3 tab shingles and dimensional shingles?

沥青3-tab带状疱疹是由三个选项卡each tile. They are composed of a flat and lightweight layer, resulting in a uniform shingle. Dimensional shingles come with tabs that are available in different sizes. When they are installed, they create a more interesting layered effect. They are usually made with at least two layers, which makes them thicker and heavier compared to 3-tab shingles.


