What Makes A Home Office Functional And Great To Work In

Most people feel the need to have a home office. Whether you’re working from home or you bring work home with you or if you simply need a space where you can go when you have a project that needs to be completed, thehome officeis where you should be. But it’s often difficult to design this space in such a way that it would feel like a space where you would actually like to work. The following tips should help with this problem.

The right space.

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First of all, you have to decide where you want your office to be. If several rooms are available, you need to choose the right one. The home office should be away from traffic, away from the kids’ playroom and away from the living room. It has to have lots of outlets and it also needs to be easily accessible in case a client has to come over.

The right furniture.

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Choosing the furniture for a home office can be a real challenge. You don’t have to base your decisions on looks or what’s more comfortable. The furniture here has to be functional. The chairs needs to be ergonomic, the desk needs to have lots of storage compartments and all the furniture pieces, in general, have to be simple. You also have to pay attention to the colors.

Good lighting.

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Lighting is very important in an office. You need to choose what’s best for your eyes. First of all, a home office should have large windows so that natural light can get inside. And while natural light is great during daytime, you also need to have one or two lamps and a pendant for extra light in case you need it.

Good organization.

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Another characteristic of a great home office has to do with the lack of clutter. This room always needs to be clean and airy. Make sure you organize everything properly so that you always know where to find a certain object when you need it and that you always file your paperwork. Try to leave it clean at the end of each day to avoid things piling up.

A personalized décor.

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Even though it’s an office and it has to feel like one, you have to make it look nice as well. So add little touches that change the mood. For example, you can hang some artwork on the walls or you can frame some pictures and display them on the shelves. You can also have some candles in the office to create a relaxing and calm atmosphere. Keep in mind that a home office also needs to feel warm and inviting.

Picture sources:1,2,3,4and5.
