Lithuanian House Features A Contradictory Yet Complementary Mix Of Styles

某处Vilnius, Lithuania’s largest city and capital, there’s a lovely and quaint house that’s easy to fall in love with. The house was designed byPRUSTA.2016年,目前没有当代结构的典型特征。从其邻居和其他这些家庭分开的这件事将其居住在邻居和其他房屋中是一种融合一系列矛盾趋势和对比设计元素的方式,并使一切看起来和谐。beplay平台没信用

这是一个真正的一个折衷主义的房子,一个无缝融合了几种不同的风格和趋势 在画廊中查看
设计内部时的主要目标之一是创建开放和整洁的空间 在画廊中查看

We’re particularly charmed by the selection of materials used throughout the house which includes aged wood and natural wood with a gray tint, marble, stainless steel, glass, black metal as well as a variety of soft textiles. The dominant chromatic palette is a collection of warm color tones. A series of oriental pieces (mostly rugs) serve as highlights as well as sources of color and pattern for the spaces.

所有的房间都配有一个组合of old and new pieces 在画廊中查看
所有的房间都配有一个组合of old and new pieces
倾斜的屋顶产生一系列非常舒适和温馨的空间,同时让休息宽敞和打开 在画廊中查看

这designers wanted to keep spaces as simple and uncluttered as possible without diminishing their comfort and pleasant ambiance. This was an interesting challenge considering everything that we mentioned so far. In order to maintain a minimalist design approach, all of the highlights were framed by walls, ceilings and floors in cool shades and with neutral appearances.

一个高大的书柜加倍作为空间分压器,隐藏在架子后面的舒适的角落 在画廊中查看
室内设计是与东方亮点的现代,工业和传统元素的组合 在画廊中查看


护理混凝土墙用纺织装饰,并配有舒适的家具 在画廊中查看
这个角落里有一个舒适的小角落,由倾斜的天花板构成,景色很好 在画廊中查看
这re’s a cozy little nook in this corner, framed by the sloped ceiling and with a nice view


这kitchen and dining area are directly connected yet they're two very different spaces 在画廊中查看
厨房让人想起专业的餐厅美食,包括不锈钢柜台 在画廊中查看

All of the spaces are furnished with a mixture of old and new pieces. Old cupboards, tables and antique chairs are paired with modern wall units and a variety of other contrasting elements. The kitchen, for example, features an industrial hood and stainless steel cabinets and worktops which reflect the client’s inclination toward restaurant cuisine and professionalism. Thekitchen layout简单,实用,非常适合空间。

不锈钢计数器和橱柜既卫生又思考 在画廊中查看
厨房还有一个工业罩,强调了专业性的趋势 在画廊中查看

这bedrooms too are designed in a contradictory yet complementary manner. Their interiors are a harmonious blend of functional and decorative. The master bedroom suite has a混凝土天花板and matching walls complemented by light-colored wooden flooring, full-height windows, minimalist white wall units and an antique wooden chest. Industrial light fixtures, an oriental area rug and ethnic pattern highlights complete the decor.

卧室非常有趣,因为它们具有暴露的混凝土墙和天花板 在画廊中查看
主卧室通过滑动玻璃门与其连接套圈分开 在画廊中查看
浴室类似地简单,它也是温暖的木质口音和触感的颜色 在画廊中查看
长织物窗帘为卧室和邻近的浴室空间提供隐私 在画廊中查看


儿童卧室很小,简单,但非常迷人,非常舒适丰富多彩 在画廊中查看
混凝土墙和天花板被纺织地毯,窗帘和其他亮点软化 在画廊中查看

children’s bedroom在主人套房中的风格类似。他们很小,但尽管裸露的混凝土墙和天花板,但舒适,欢迎。它们也有带有引人注目的图案和颜色的地毯,用于全高窗口和古怪的颜色口音的长织物窗帘。

In this bedroom the neutral palette is complemented by touches of blue, red and white 在画廊中查看
In this bedroom the neutral palette is complemented by touches of blue, red and white
这wooden flooring has a nice gray tint which links it visually to the walls and ceilings 在画廊中查看
这wooden flooring has a nice gray tint which links it visually to the walls and ceilings
一张小桌子位于一个全高窗口的前面,在右边有一个时髦的红色柜 在画廊中查看