50 Spring And Easter Wreaths With Fresh Designs

Spring is finally here and, with Easter coming soon as well, it’s the perfect moment to celebrate them both with some beautiful home decorations. What immediately comes to mind is the always popular andversatile wreath。但是这个春天的花圈应该如何?对于春季和复活节花圈,您都有许多设计和想法可供选择,所以让我们看看一些。

Easter-themed wreaths decorated with eggs and bunnies

Pink and gold easter wreath 在画廊中查看


grapevine wreath with eggs for front door easter 在画廊中查看

Meatloafandmelodramayou can find a simple tutorial for making an Easter egg wreath. The supplies needed for it include a grapevine wreath, some faux speckled eggs, faux flowers, a burlap ribbon for hanging, a hot glue gun for attaching the eggs, thin craft wire for the flowers and wire cutters.

Colorful easter eggs wreath 在画廊中查看

If you want, you can cover the entire wreath in cute little colorful eggs. As usual, the project starts with a simple grapevine wreath. Before adding the eggs, you can decorative the wreath with a flower garland to make it look fuller and more colorful. Then you glue the eggs all around the wreath with a hot glue gun. Leave some space for the ribbon so you can hang the wreath in the desired spot. Find the tutorial for this project on上ecrazyride

谷歌的眼睛复活节彩蛋花圈 在画廊中查看


布料复活节彩蛋花圈 在画廊中查看

如果您对塑料复活节彩蛋的外表不完全满意,或者您想要一些不同和特殊的花圈的东西,则可以将它们包裹在面料上,如图所示nap-timecreations。In addition to the plastic eggs and fabric scraps, you’ll also need some yarn, hot glue, ribbon and a wire wreath.

Spring Easter Egg Wreath 在画廊中查看

Similarly, you can wrap the eggs in colored yarn. We found such a design onwherethesmileshavebeen。要制作类似的泡沫鸡蛋,塑料鸡蛋(常规和大),带有不同颜色的纱,一些花草,热胶枪,丝带和蝴蝶夹或其他装饰。

感觉复活节彩蛋三种颜色 在画廊中查看

Another unusual option is to make felt eggs. In fact, you can make your entire wreath look like one giant Easter egg. Find out how to make it by following the tutorial provided ontakesofthescotts。It all starts with a piece of cardboard cut into the shape of an egg. You then cut a bunch of felt circles and you fold them and glue them onto the cardboard. You can use different colors to give the egg a certain design and pattern. At the end, attach ribbon to the top of the wreath and hang it somewhere.

花圈上的蓝色和金复活节彩蛋 在画廊中查看

If you decide to paint the egg decorations yourself, you can give them all sorts of interesting looks. For example, you can mix two colors such as blue and gold. Paint some of the eggs blue and give the others a golden look. Then, once the blue eggs are dry, apply a little bit of gold spray paint on them in random spots. {found onKleinworthco}。

DIYeaster egg wreath 在画廊中查看


Minimalist Easter Wreath 在画廊中查看

您实际上可以使用鸡蛋来建立花圈,而不是将人造鸡蛋固定在花圈上以使其具有节日的外观。这个想法来自nalleshousewhere you’ll also find a detailed description of this whole project. The main idea is that you make two holes in each egg, at the top and bottom and then you thread them onto thin wire, separating them with beads.

框架快乐的复活节装饰 在画廊中查看

Not all wreaths are circular and not all of them have to include an actual wreath form. If you want to try something different this Easter, check out the design featured onconsumercrafts。这是使用相框,一些木制鸡蛋,小螺丝钩,字母贴纸,丝带和丙烯酸工艺油漆制成的花环。将钩子固定在每个鸡蛋上后,将它们涂上并螺纹到框架上,然后又固定在框架上。最后,添加了贴纸。

鸡蛋和羽毛在一起 - 珠宝色调复活节门花圈 在画廊中查看

Not all Easter-themed wreaths have to be completely covered in colored eggs either. In fact, three or four eggs should be enough to make the wreath look festive without overwhelming it. If you work with a grapevine wreath, you can paint it first and then add a few decorations such as faux fruits, flowers and the eggs. {found onshiftstrlart}

Twigs and leafs spring wreath 在画廊中查看


复活节兔子花圈设计 在画廊中查看


Bunny framed wreath 在画廊中查看


苔藓形状的兔子 在画廊中查看

However, if you actually want a wreath that’s shaped like a bunny or, more likely, like the head of a bunny, check outdreamalittlebigger。这样一个项目所需的用品包括花环形式,量规线,苔藓,钳子,热胶枪和剪刀。用花环形式作为指导,在纸上绘制兔子耳朵。然后将一些电线弯曲成这种形状,然后将苔藓固定在两个兔子耳朵上。然后还盖上苔藓的花环。最后,将碎片放在一起。

粗麻布和苔藓复活节兔子花圈 在画廊中查看

Two wreaths can be put together to form the basic shape for a bunny. Actually, it will look more like a snowman but the decorations make all the difference. Cover the two wreath forms in moss. The larger one will be the body and the smaller one the head of the bunny. Then use burlap to make a large bow for the bunny’s neck. Also, make to burlap ears. You can find out more about the project onhousebyhoff

Colorful fabric and tinny bunny 在画廊中查看

可以在lifeloveliz。This time you’ll need a cardboard wreath, ribbon, three bunny decorations, glue and scissors. Cover the wreath with ribbon and make a loop to hang it by. Then glue the three little bunnies to the bottom portion of the wreath.


如何制作弹簧花圈 在画廊中查看

A wreath can be decorated with small faux eggs without necessarily being Easter-themed. So let’s also have a look at a few such designs that celebrate spring. One of them can be found on爱好。它使用了一个简单的藤花环,上面装饰有苔藓,纸花,还配有一个迷你巢,里面有两个可爱的小粉红色鸡蛋。

How to make a tulip wreath 在画廊中查看

也可以在DIY郁金香花圈的教程polkadotchair。让人看起来就像你需要a grapevine wreath, a bunch of tulip stems, wire cutters, burlap ribbon, floral wire and a hot glue gun. You can start with the burlap bow. Give it shape with floral wire. Then cut down some tulip steps and place them on the wreath. Glue them down when you’re happy with how they’re organized. The bow should cover come of the tulip stems. You can then loosely wrap some burlap ribbon around the rest of the wreath.

平纹细布的春天 在画廊中查看


Spring - Easter wreath from burlap 在画廊中查看

非常相似的设计也在jonesdesigncompany。The wreath form was covered with ruffles of linen fabric. The tiny nest has four golden glittered eggs in it, a detail that adds some sparkle to the wreath.

Turquoise burlap wreath 在画廊中查看


Spring mantel wreath from moss 在画廊中查看


natural oval spring wreath 在画廊中查看

另一方面,大字母装饰可能成为焦点,使其他任何装饰看起来都不那么令人印象深刻。然而,鸟的巢和苔藓用于葡萄花圈Atbeplay平台没信用homewiththebarkersare what makes this design perfect for welcoming spring.

Spring parrot tulip wreath 在画廊中查看

郁金香是真正确保我们春天留在这里的花朵。通过使用它们为前门装饰葡萄花圈,使这些精致的花朵成为关注的中心。当然,由于真实的郁金香快速枯萎,您可能需要使用人造。查看Stonegableblogto see how such a wreath would look like.

鸭布弹簧花圈 在画廊中查看

Any flowers are great for a spring wreath, even if they’re not seasonal or particularly colorful. The design featured onmadeinadayperfectly illustrates this idea. The styrofoam wreath featured here is covered with patterned fabric and this gives it a lot of character. It was decorated with two large faux flowers, spray painted white. A paper towel roll flower was also added as well as some rope and woven fabric flowers.

复活节和春季拼贴 在画廊中查看

真正说“春天”的花环pattyschaffer-typepad。The soft green grass is too beautiful. Making the wreath is easier than you think. You need a foam wreath form, some fun fur yarn in lime green, daisy trim and some pink pins. Wrap the yarn around the wreath, keeping the strands close together. Then cut the daisy trim between flowers and add each one to the wreath using pins.

Simply spring wreath 在画廊中查看


春天的框架 在画廊中查看


春天前门的鲜花 在画廊中查看


Succulent moss wreath 在画廊中查看

Moss and succulents go hand in hand and they’re often used together in DIY projects. So let’s also have a look at a wreath which features the same successful combo. The idea behind the design suggested onmycraftyspot很简单。您需要用苔藓覆盖的花环形式。之后,您附上一些多肉植物。这些可以用纱线或类似的东西粘在或固定。

樱花花圈 在画廊中查看

What better way to welcome spring than with a cherry blossom wreath? The idea is cute and fresh and making such a wreath shouldn’t be very difficult. You can find a few tips and instructions oniheartnaptime。基本上,您需要一个普通的花圈,一些喷漆,樱花,鸟屋,带鸡蛋,丝带和热胶枪的小巢。

Greens and burlap for wreath 在画廊中查看


How to make a heart wreath 在画廊中查看

A wreath can take any form and shape and it all depends on the wreath form you decide to use. For example, a heart-shaped wire form will let you create a heart-shaped wreath which you can decorate with greenery for a fresh look. The project can be found ontatertotsandjellotogether with a short tutorial.

经典的春季花圈 在画廊中查看

The combination between a grapevine wreath and spring flowers is extremely beautiful and wonderfully emphasized by the design featured on生计。只有花圈的底部被花朵覆盖,使上半裸露和简单。此外,花朵的颜色精致,这突显了与花圈的对比。

复活节花圈 - 春季花环 在画廊中查看


Floral hanging on front door 在画廊中查看

我们还要看看一些更不寻常的春季花环,它们的形状,设计,颜色或材料选择给人留下深刻的印象。一个很好的例子是特色的花圈有趣的beplay平台没信用人。It looks like a bouquet of flowers placed in a cone. In fact, that’s exactly what it is. Three bouquets of flowers were put together and displayed in a metal cone basket.

春季花圈上的新鲜柠檬 在画廊中查看

Instead of welcoming spring with fresh seasonal flowers, the wreath featured onhowdoesshedoes this with lemons. The lemon wreath is pretty easy to make. The supplies needed include a large grapevine wreath, green foliage picks, fake lemons, sticks and a glue gun. You can do something similar using faux oranges or other fruits as well.

Burlap Moss Spring Wreath 在画廊中查看


复活节和春季拼贴 在画廊中查看

There are plenty of things that can symbolize spring besides flowers. Butterflies are a cute example. To make a butterfly wreath, check out project featured on uptodateinteriors. You can print out the butterflies on colored paper, cut them out and them glue them to a grapevine wreath one by one.

Basket on front door for Spring 在画廊中查看


Moss DIY spring wreath 在画廊中查看

Moss-covered rocks are too beautiful not to stop and admire them so why not make them a part of the design for your new spring wreath? Not sure how to make such a wreath? Check out the description provided oncraftsncoffee。The tricky part is finding faux moss rocks but, if that’s not possible, you can just make them yourself. Once you attach these to a wreath form, you can add some felt mushrooms and a few cute flowers.

墙纸花环 在画廊中查看

曾经做过墙纸花圈吗?这听起来很奇怪,但是请等到您看到它看起来像是多么细腻和可爱。上Thehousethatlarsbuiltyou can find a nice tutorial about the project. You’ll need floral wallpaper, scissors, a craft knife, a cutting board, a paintbrush, wire cutters, wire and a glue gun.

花园软管弹簧花圈 在画廊中查看


庞培春季花圈 在画廊中查看


春季横幅花圈 在画廊中查看

As long as you have a wreath, there are plenty of things you can improvise at home if you want to make it look cute or to give it a themed design. The cute spring banner featured oniheartnaptimecan pretty much solve the whole problem. First you have to print and cut out the pieces and then glue them to ribbon to make the banner. Using paper or cardstock, make decorative roses.

花圈五颜六色的纸 在画廊中查看


超级简单的春季花圈 在画廊中查看

Another stylish type of paper wreath is featured onmyanythingandeverything。这次纸被用来制作可爱的小花装饰。该特定项目所需的材料包括树枝花圈,薄纸,剪刀,苔藓,花线和胶水。您可以随意使花朵看起来随心所欲。

咖啡过滤器花圈 在画廊中查看


复活节和春季拼贴 在画廊中查看
