
Do you wake up with a sore neck and shoulders? Do you find yourself sneezing a lot when lying in bed? Did you even consider that your pillow might be responsible for all this?

How Often Should You Replace Your Pillows 在画廊中查看



The answer is debatable, but to be on the safe side, replace your pillow every one to two years.


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Each night as you sleep, your身体脱落天然油, hair, and skin, all of which is absorbed by your pillow. The accumulation of these elements might cause your pillow to smell, while regular washing will help prevent this.

Apart from the odor, these conditions would naturally attract dust mites to your pillow over time. These microscopic critters add additional weight to your pillow, impairing its ability to remain supportive over time.


即使你消除r尘螨的问题outine washing, your pillow cannot survive indefinitely. Our heads are heavy and sleeping on a pillow that is constantly carrying the weight of your head can eventually wear it down and lead it to flatten in areas.

What Affects the Lifespan of a Pillow?

What Affects the Lifespan of a Pillow? 在画廊中查看

While a pillow may not appear to be as critical to a good night’s sleep as a mattress, it serves an important function: it supports your neck and head throughout the night, allowing you to wake up without stiffness or neck pain. And after a while, even the most luxurious pillow will cease to do so.


  • Bedroom conditions, as humid environments will create the perfect breeding ground for bacteria inside your pillow.
  • 适当的夜间护肤程序,因为脱落皮肤和释放身体油不具有卫生性,并且会导致枕头需要更快的替代品。
  • The pillow has lumps and won’t return to its initial shape.



记忆泡沫 在画廊中查看

Memory foam is a common pillow material because it relieves aches and pains in key areas of your body while you’re sleeping. When it comes into touch with body heat, memory foam softens, allowing it to fit closely, and then returns to its original shape when it cools.


2. Polyfoam

When it comes to caring for these pillows, you can spot-clean them and wash them in a light detergent every two to three months. Polyfoam pillows typically last between two and three years before they need to be changed.


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4. Down Alternative & Polyester


Additionally, down replacement products are typically far less expensive than true down products, making them an attractive option for budget customers.

Polyester pillows of varied quality are available throughout the country and world, from large box stores to online vendors. Polyester pillows are one of the most frequent varieties of pillows and also one of the least priced. Apart from being the least expensive pillow material, polyester pillows are also machine-washable, light, and soft.

Pillows made of these materials can be machine cleaned on a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent and dried on a low setting in a dryer.


5. Latex

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枕头箱 在画廊中查看


The cleaning instructions are very dependent on the fabric. Always refer to the individual pillowcase’s washing directions to guarantee the longest possible life.

The majority of pillowcases are machine washable in warm or cold water. For the most part, a low-set drier is sufficient, as is line drying. Certain pillowcase fabrics, like as percale, are wrinkle-prone and should be ironed on a low setting.


Also known as a pillow liner, a pillow protector shields your pillows from wear and tear, dampness, and stains. It can be constructed from a range of different materials, depending on the desired benefits. Additionally, a protector decreases wear and tear, allowing you to enjoy your beloved pillow for many years.

Washing Pillows

Washing Pillows 在画廊中查看



Then, using an air only or low heat setting, continue drying your pillow until it is completely dry. If your pillow is filled with feathers or shredded material, fluff it every day to ensure it retains its shape.




How do you know when a pillow is worn out?





Additionally, it is recommended that you purchase the best pillow that you can afford. Cheaper cushions are significantly more prone to mold growth and mite attraction than the more expensive hypoallergenic pillows. For more bedding-related advice, check out our guide to the最佳记忆泡沫床垫套装
