

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

如果您有壁炉,也许您想decorate the mantelwith a cuteValentine’s Day banner。您也可以在架子或门上显示它。实际上,只要有创造力。您可以查看我们的教程,以了解如何将横幅放在一起。您只需要一些粗麻布,丙烯酸涂料,一些麻线,热胶枪,泡沫pouncer和一些装饰品。

Heart Wall Art for Valentine’s Day View in gallery

Decorate one of the walls with a temporary ornament that symbolizes love. What could be more suggestive than the classical heart shape? You can make a chicheart-shaped wall decorationusing a piece of thick wire, thick red wool and a piece of string which you’ll be using to hang the heart on the wall. It’s all really simple. Bend the wire in the shape of a heart and then wrap the wool around it.

DIY Sequin XOXO Letters View in gallery

Add a bit of sparkle and glamour to your Valentine’s Day decor with somesequin XOXO letters您可以用简单的纸质字母制成。您将需要热胶枪和金亮片饰边。您可能可以猜测这是什么意义。基本上,您将修剪装饰并将其包裹在字母周围,并随身携带胶水将其固定在适当的位置。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Here’s something else you can decorate a wall with on Valentine’s Day: a flower bouquet. That’s right, these are real flowers taped to a wall in the shape of a heart. Doesn’t it look beautiful and romantic? To makeflower wall art在这种类型中,您需要各种花朵和果岭,剪刀,画家的胶带和装饰性的胶带。如果愿意,也可以使用人造花。它们的寿命将持续更长的时间,一旦情人节结束,您甚至可以将它们留在墙上。

DIY心脏盖枕头盖 View in gallery

Some of the ideas are actually inspiring not just for Valentine’s Day but in general. For instance, aheart-stamped pillowcasewould look cute all year round. To make one you need a piece of fabric in a simple, solid color, a sewing machine, fabric paint (red and white in this particular case) and a paint brush. If you don’t want to actually make the cover from scratch just use one that’s simple, with no pattern on it.

DIY心脏缝制篮子 View in gallery

Does a woven basket sound like something your special Valentine would like to收到礼物?如果答案是肯定的,我们可以向您展示如何用一个heart-stitched pattern使它真的很特别。您只需要一点厚的纱线(最好是红色),一根纱线和一张纸。追踪纸上的心脏并切出形状,以便您可以将其用作模板,然后在其周围缝合。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery


DIY Mason Jar Votives View in gallery

Planning a romantic dinner? Maybe you could set the mood with thesemason jar votives。它们很容易制作,您也可以在其他场合重复使用它们。您可以重新利用任何空罐子。只需清洁它,然后涂上几层铜喷漆即可。如果您愿意,也可以使用磁带在罐子上创建图案或特殊设计。放入蜡烛或LED灯。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

我们还发现了一个可爱的工艺主意sadieseasongoods。The suggestion here is to decorate pressed cane webbing mats with chunky yarn and to create a colorful cross stitch heart. You can alternate pink and red yarn or you can create your own custom combination of colors. The mat is just an idea. You can also decorate the backs of chairs or a woven basket and the design doesn’t necessarily have to be a heart.

Tissue Paper Heart Wreath Tutorial View in gallery

A heart-shaped wreath like the one we found onAspenjayis a pretty simple project with nice results. You can hang the wreath on the front door or you can offer it as a gift on Valentine’s Day. You can make the wreath form out of cardboard and you can decorate it with tissue paper in any colors you want. There’s really no need for ornaments but you can definitely add some if you want.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

需要一个可爱的方式来包装你的情人节ift or that nice bottle of wine you’re saving for this occasion? Make a linen bag and use some iron-on transfer and the template used onmodishandmain给它一个特别的节日外观。您可以购买袋子或用一些简单的亚麻黄麻面料制成。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery


DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Something as simple as some cute patterned heart printables can turn out to be all the inspiration you need to create a love-themed Valentine’s Day decor. You could frame the hearts and display them on a wall or you could make some custom wrapping paper with them. In any case, you should check outtatertotsandjello。There’s an idea here which we really like.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Gifts that come in pairs and complete each other are quite popular on Valentine’s Day. You could actually make something special yourself. There’s an idea ontatertotsandjello你可能喜欢的。该教程向您展示了如何制作两个枕头,每个枕头上都有一半的心脏缝制。当他们在一起时,他们揭示了全局。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Valentine’s Day is all about love and about showing someone how much you care about them. Handmade gifts make that. quite easy and the great thing about them is that they don’t have to be complicated. Even something as simple as a watercolored heart in a nice frame can send the right message. {found onpersialou}

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

These cute wire hearts that we found on霍桑德曼放在一起也很容易。这只是弯曲一些电线,然后在上面粘合一些POM-POM饰边或色带的问题。您也可以制作小花环或横幅。实际上,将其视为灵感的来源,即火花充满原始和巧妙的想法的火花。想出自己的。

Table centerpiece decorated for Valentines Day View in gallery

一点点的电线有很长的路要走,如this little projectfeatured onLandeeseandeedo。All you need to make these cute little wire heart picks is some 12 or 16 gauge wire, wire cutters, pliers and a pencil. They’re not designed to serve a specific purpose although they look really nice in this planter.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

在情人节那天,您可以做很多事情来使壁炉架看起来美丽。我们浏览时遇到了一些很酷的想法myblessedlife。建议之一是使用泡沫聚苯乙烯球和一堆纸杯蛋糕衬里制作一个可爱的修剪。其他可爱手工艺品包括黑板mason jars which can be used as vases and ruffles satin hearts which can be displayed in frames.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery


DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Another nice source of inspiration regarding the Valentine’s Day mantel ornaments come fromthecraftingchicks。一个可爱的Xoxo花环,一对烛台的顶部,一个心形的花圈和一个框架的金箔心脏,在这里作为一个小组展示。有趣的是,壁炉架看起来一点也不混乱。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

An interesting idea is to take this opportunity to also recycle or repurpose a few things. For instance, you could reclaim an old picture frame. Sand it down and apply a fresh coat of paint. After this, you can also use some scrap pieces of wood to make a lovely heart ornament. OnRemodelandolacasa你也可以看到一些可爱的心用木头做的en beads and a garland made of fabric hearts.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

As proven bycraftaholicsanonymous, you can’t go wrong with a tassel garland. Use it to decorate the fireplace mantel and while you’re at it put up a可爱的小树枝花圈as well. A few tiny vases each with a rose in it can complete the decor. Feel free to add other lovely decorations as well or to customize the ones we just described.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Dedicate the fireplace mantel to love and make it look charming without adding too many ornaments and or using too many colors. Let’s say that normally you keep a mirror and a pair of simple flower vases on the mantel. On Valentine’s Day you can just hang a heart-shaped wreath on the mirror and add a banner or a themed garland. A few candle could look nice too in this context. {found onadventuresindecorating1

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery


DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

If you have some leftover wood from other projects, you could make this hugs and kisses mantel piece for Valentine’s Day. The project is featured onLandeeseandeedo。您需要一块圆形的木头和两个常规木板,一些深木污渍,工艺油漆,少许凡士林(如果您喜欢磨损,辣椒外观),一些画家的胶带,砂纸和海绵刷。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery


DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery


DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Put those scraps of felt and wrapping paper to good use and make some lovely Valentine’s day decorations out of them. You could cover a styrofoam ball in felt and make it look like a flower and you could cut out some colorful paper hearts and display them in an old frame. Check out some of the other cool ideas featured on积极地倾斜to find out what else you can use in your projects.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

情人节怎么样garland made out of playing cards?It’s a really easy project. The cards already have the right shape and size and all you have to do is punch some holes in them so you can then run some twine or ribbon through them. Only use the hearts if you want to make this a Valentine’s Day themed decoration. The idea comes from幸福的人beplay平台没信用

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

How cute are these floral hearts? They’d make perfect decorations for Valentine’s Day and you can even offer them as gifts. The really cool thing about them however is that they’re really easy and also pretty fun to make. All you need is a grapevine wreath form and some cheap artificial flowers. You can mix and match different types of flowers of different sizes or colors to create funky designs. {found onDesignImproved}

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

如果您更喜欢更大的东西,例如墙壁装饰,您可以将其放在餐厅的墙上创建浪漫的背景,我们也有一个想法。我们发现这个很酷的项目Littlepeanutmag。To craft your own heart backdrop you’ll need wood poles for the frame (or an existing frame), some chicken wire, a nail gun and a bunch of red paper napkins.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

Repurposing an empty jar进入花瓶或奉献精神是您可以做的最简单的事情之一。对于情人节,您可以将一些罐子变成glitter votives。从一个干净干燥的罐子开始,上面没有标签。用胶带切开心脏,然后将其粘在罐子上,然后将整个罐子(在外部)涂上。卸下胶带,然后在涂漆的表面上涂上Mod Podge,然后在其上撒上闪光。{找到Masonjarcraftslove}

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

您可以在情人节或其他一天想做美丽的事情时可以制作另一件时尚的事物monogram ornamentthat was featured onlulus。It all starts with a paper mache letter. Take an x-acto knife and cut off the top of the letter and remove the cardboard filling. Then spray paint the interior, let it dry and prepare the flowers. Cut off the stems, apply a bit of glue on the bottom of each flower and then place it in the letter. Repeat until you fill the letter with flowers.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

我们不要忘记弦艺术。Obviously there are a lot of cool ideas you could find on this subject but let’s check out something simple and classic: a heart. Basically you just need a board or a piece of wood and a bunch of small nails. Hammer the nails into the board and create the outline of a heart. You can use a paper template as a guide. Then have fun with the string. Check outGreenweddingshoes更多细节。

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery

想知道情人节还可以制作什么?好吧,有些custom coasters?You could make four coasters that spell out “love” and the whole project would only take a few minutes. You can find all the details for this project onblueistyleblog。You can make them look like scrabble tiles. It seems pretty fun.

DIY Burlap and Felt Valentine’s Day Banner View in gallery
Making a heart-shaped pillow is not as difficult as you’d think. First, cut out a heart out of poster board and use it as a stencil. Take an old sweater, turn it inside out and trace the heart on it. Cut out the heart, then pin the edges and sew the two pieces together. Don’t forget to stuff the pillow before you sew the last section. {found oneighteen25}
