

Terracotta Roof View in gallery


terracotta屋顶 View in gallery



Terracotta, which means “baked-earth”, comes from a coarse and porous clay from the earth. Ancient artisans used it to constructvessels like pots和雕塑是因为它是一种便宜且可塑的材料。它已被用来在古希腊欧洲沿海地区和中国古代的欧洲沿海地区建立屋顶瓷砖。


在当前时代,许多人在欧洲和世界各地使用陶土屋顶瓷砖。在美国,建筑师在任务风格的建筑中使用了粘土瓷砖以及一些Craftsman-style homes.您可以在整个加利福尼亚和中西部看到这些屋顶。

Terracotta Roof: Pros and Cons

陶土屋顶 View in gallery



  • 耐用性– If a clay tile roof is installed well, it can last over 100 years. These tiles are resistant to rot, fire, and wind. In addition, they are durable to some objects that fall from the sky like hail.
  • 风格– The look of terracotta roof tile is unlike any other. They elevate the look of historic and contemporary buildings and give homes a rustic charm that is hard to match with other roofing tiles.
  • 生态友好– Manufacturers can make terracotta roofing tiles from locally sourced raw materials. In addition, clay roof tiles have thermal energy properties that allow them to reduce the heat loss and absorption. Also, they create a good heat transfer barrier that keeps your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.


  • 价格- 粘土瓷砖屋顶的价格比木材,沥青和metal. Terracotta tiles cost between $12-25 per square foot.
  • 重量- 与其他屋顶类型相比,Terracotta屋顶瓷砖很重。它们的重量在每平方英尺6-15磅之间。由于这些瓷砖的重量过多,有些屋顶将需要额外的加固。
  • Fragile– If nothing falls on a terracotta roof, it can last forever, but accidents happen. Clay tiles break when someone steps on them or if heavy branches or other debris fall on them.
  • 限制- 粘土瓷砖屋顶在气候下最有效,不会定期下降到冰点以下,因为如果暴露于极端温度,这些瓷砖会破裂。另外,它们在摇晃的陡峭屋顶上不能很好地工作。
  • 水分- 本身,粘土瓷砖不能很好地供应水分。因此,为避免雨水泄漏,您应该确保安装了底层,以避免长期水问题。




西班牙风格 View in gallery

Spanish clay tiles are shaped like an “S’. The right side of the “S” curve sticks up and the left side interlocks with the tile that is beside it.


” </a View in gallery

任务风格的瓷砖与西班牙瓷砖相似。但是,任务枪管的形状不是“ S”形瓷砖,而是半圆形的形状。

Roofers lay these tiles in patterns of interlocking convex and concave patterns.


法国风格 View in gallery

The French-style clay roof tiles are one of the most durable and moisture-resistant clay tiles. These tiles interlock on all sides and have grooves that allow for drainage.


互锁风格 View in gallery

This types of tiles are flat and interlock with each other on all sides. These are known as terracotta roof shingles as these flat tiles look the most likeasphalt shingles.


There are as many ways to utilize terracotta roofing tiles as there are house designs. We have gathered some amazing pictures for you to see the unique styles that are a result of using a terracotta tile roof.

Santa Barbara Mission

Santa Barbara Mission View in gallery




Mediterranean Patio

Mediterranean Patio View in gallery
Joani Stewart Interiors

Notice how the clay tile roof on this stucco home complements the overall look that echoes a sunny Mediterranean style. In addition, the deep red of the roof gives the home some added color to balance the dark red tile floor.


传统砖 View in gallery
Kerrie Kelly设计实验室




杂色的屋顶瓷砖 View in gallery


We love how this multi-colored roofing tiles mirror the color of the window trim and the inlay in the walkway to create a cohesive look.

Modern Terracotta Roof House Colors

Modern Terracotta Roof House Colors View in gallery

If you want to create a contemporary style home and use terracotta roofing tiles, consider a colorful tile. Ludowici creates clay tiles in bright colors for a beachy contemporary aesthetic style.

Eclectic Exterior

Eclectic Exterior View in gallery

Lest you think that terracotta roofs belong just on grand mansions and large homes, consider this cottage in Melbourne, Australia.

This turn-of-the-century cottage has a French-style terracotta roof with a decorative ridge design to complete the delicate look.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)常问问题

Are terracotta roof tiles good?

是的,否。Terracotta roofs work well in certain climates as they are durable, long-lasting, and energy efficient. However, in cold climates these tiles crack with constant exposure to freezing temperatures. Also, they are one of the most expensive roofing options.

What is the life expectancy of terracotta roof tiles?



对于材料和安装,陶土屋顶的价格在每平方英尺10至25美元之间。整个工作的价格在$ 19,000- $ 35,000之间,全国平均水平约为27,000美元。

What color should I paint my house with a terracotta roof?


Can a terracotta roof be painted?


Terracotta roof: Conclusion

A terracotta roof is not just a beautiful feature, it creates a link with the past. Historic homes and buildings have lovely terracotta tiles which have lasted for years and will continue to function for years to come.

